legal links

Pipers Virtual Intellectual Property Library

This site is dedicated to patent, copyright, trademark and intellectual property information. It has been developed by the New Zealand patent and trademark attorneys, Pipers. The site provides guidance and information on intellectual property issues with separate sections aimed at small businesses, inventors and corporate officers. In-house articles on various aspects of IP law are also made freely available on the site. Other facilities include a directory of patent attorneys with contact details and website links, a glossary of IP terms and links to New Zealand patent organisations.

European Documentation Centre: University of Mannheim

Website describing the work, facilities and organisation of the European Documentation Centre at the University of Mannheim in Germany and offering a comprehensive collection of links to the European Union's information network and EU documentation. EU web links are provided; there is a section presenting EU information by subject area (under "Politikbereichen der EU"); there are also details about EU information networks, particularly those based in Germany. The site is in German or English.

Derechos Human Rights

Web pages of Derechos Human Rights, an organisation which campaigns against violations and provides information about human rights around the world, particularly in Latin America. The site can be browsed by subject or country. Subjects include the death penalty, the disappeared, freedom of speech, economic and social rights and the impunity of violators. There are country headings for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, United States and the European Union. There is a collection of articles and a human rights blog.

Japanese Law and Government

Website presenting links to Japanese legal resources maintained by the School of Law, Tohoku University in Japan. The pages are in English but include links to resources which are available in Japanese only. The resources are listed under the following headings: Japanese law; legal publishers; law journals; law schools; legal organisations; links to legal scholars; research institutes; government and university sites.

Institute of Air and Space Law

Website developed by the Institute of Air and Space Law (based at McGill University, Quebec, Canada) providing extensive links to air and aviation law and space law resources on the internet. The site contains links to primary materials such as international conventions and related protocols on air and aviation law and space law. Public and private international law conventions are included. The full-text of these conventions are offered in English or French. The site also provides a table which shows the status of individual countries with regard to international air law instruments.

Sénat: Liens

The Links ('Liens') page on the website of the French Senate offers links to French legislation, the courts of France and jurisprudence, French local authorities, European law, political parties represented in the Senate, and international institutions. Among the legislation links are the full-text of the Constitution, the Journal Officiel and the consolidated texts of major legislation. The courts links include the Cour de Cassation, le Conseil d'Etat and the Cour des Comptes.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights forms part of the Inter-American system of human rights, within the Organization of American States. Its website has Spanish or English versions, but most of the content is in Spanish. It offers judgments and decisions in Spanish; the Court's Statute and rules in Spanish, English and other languages; press releases in Spanish; and information about the work of the Court in Spanish and English (etc.).

British and Irish Legal Information Institute

The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) provides free access to legislation, cases, law reform reports and other legal materials from the United Kingdom, Jersey, Ireland, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and the EU's General Court. The cases are from the higher courts and tribunals; most date from the last two decades or so, but BAILII also provides a collection called Leading Case Law by Subject, and many of these cases are much older. Materials may be browsed by jurisdiction, title and year.

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