law journal

JurPC: Internet-Zeitschrift für Rechtsinformatik

German-language legal information e-journal publishing articles by legal information managers, specialists and practitioners.  Articles cover topics relating to information innovations in law and electronic publishing and services and other online developments relevant to the legal community. The journal is open access and is edited by Professor Dr Maximillian Herberger of the Universität des Saarlandes.


An electronic journal and resource guide concerned with Internet and the legal and regulatory aspects of the global market and information technology, edited by Richard Swetenham. Papers, news stories and links published in the journal, deal with topics such as: copyright, data protection, liability and protection of minors with reference to individual countries worldwide as well as comparative and international perspectives. Articles are linked from headline news stories arranged by date and may be accessed via an alphabetical list of subject categories.

Michigan Journal of Race and Law

website for the Michigan Journal of Race and Law (ISSN:1095-2721) published bi-annually since 1996, and edited by students at the University of Michigan Law School. The journal serves as a forum for issues relating to race and law, particularly those issues marginalised in mainstream legal writing, and seeks the views of scholars, students, practitioners and social scientists. The site includes tables of contents and abstracts of articles from volume 1, no.1 (Winter 1996) onwards, and has an Issue No. browser to aid selection.

Revenue Law Journal

The Revenue Law Journal (ISSN 1034-7747) is a refereed tax journal with an international focus, established in 1989 by Bond University School of Law, Queensland, Australia. One volume is published each year. The journal is aimed at practitioners, academics and law student. Published articles examine tax matters both in Australia and other individual countries and jurisdictions. The entire series is available free on the web, in Bond University's open access e-repository; articles can be downloaded in pdf format.

Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Web pages for the Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, published three times a year from 1992 onwards, and edited by students at the Washington College of Law. The journal publishes articles addressing social and political equality under the law, and aims to attract those interested in gender issues and feminist legal studies. The website provides tables of contents from 1992, together with the first few pages of articles from Volume 7 (1998-99) onwards. Subscriptions can be purchased from William S. Hein and Co. Full text is available through LEXIS and Westlaw.

Harvard Environmental Law Review

Website for the Harvard Environmental Law Review, (ISSN 0147-8257), published biannually since 1976, and edited by students at the Harvard Law School, aided by an advisory board of lawyers and academics. The journal publishes articles on a broad range of environmental affairs, including land use; air, water and noise regulation; toxic substances control; radiation control; energy use; workspace pollution; science and technology control; and resource use and regulation.

Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy

The Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy is produced by students at Duke University School of Law, aided by a board of faculty advisors. The print journal began publication in 1994 and is published annually. The journal is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to discussion of gender issues in the context of law and public policy. Articles are solicited from practitioners, academics and Duke graduate students. The website includes articles from volume 4 (1997) onwards.

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law has been published since 1991 by students at Columbia University School of Law. The biannual Journal has an interdisciplinary approach to national and international gender-related issues, relevant to people of different colour, class, sexual orientation, and culture. The aim is to advance feminist scholarship and to interest students, practitioners and academics. The website provides tables of contents and abstracts of most articles from volume 1 (1991) onwards.

Cardozo arts and entertainment law journal

The Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal was founded in 1982, and is currently published three times each academic year by students of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, under the aegis of the Cardozo Intellectual Property Law Program. Articles are published on entertainment law and related areas including First Amendment law, telecommunications law, sport law, and all areas of intellectual property law. The website includes tables of contents from volume 1 (1982) onwards and full-text access to most articles.

International Law in Brief

International Law in Brief is an online blog following and examining developments in international law. The blog is prepared by the Attorney-Editors of International Legal Materials, a core publication of The American Society of International Law. International Law in Brief contains analytical abstracts of significant documents including treaties, other international agreements, legislation, judicial decisions, reports and other documents with links to the full text.

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