criminal justice

Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture

The Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture was created to serve the criminal justice/criminological community by publishing reviews of all types of popular culture artifacts and original essays pertaining to the intersection of popular culture and criminal justice. Reviews were intended to explore the depiction of criminal justice issues in the various forms of popular culture, providing criminal justice educators with suggestions for utilising these mediums as well as how these tools may be gainfully employed in research efforts.

Buffalo Criminal Law Center

The website of the Buffalo Criminal Law Center provides an overview of the Center's mission, programmes of study, and research activities. The center is based at the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law and aims to help students in their advanced research into criminal law, as well as acting as an advisory body to US state and federal legislatures about criminal justice issues. The site gives details of the Herbert Wechsler National Criminal Law Moot Court Competition, and the Center's own LL.M. programme in Criminal Law.

Vera Institute of Justice

The website of the Vera Institute of Justice is an online information resource offering information about the Institute's activities in the field of criminal justice. Its scope is international, though its head office is based in New York. The Institute works with government officials in New York as well as those in other countries and the site describes these working relationships. The site gives details of the many projects the Institute supports dealing with immigration and justice, youth justice, policing, sentencing and corrections and the judicial process.

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