
Constitution of China

This site contains the full-text of the 1982 Constitution of China (amended up to 2004) and made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution covers general principles, the fundamental rights and duties of citizens and the structure of the state. There is also a copy of the unofficial Declaration of Human Rights produced by the Chinese Human Rights Alliance. The site provides historical and background notes to the Constitution.

Constitution of Croatia

This site contains the full-text of the Constitution of Croatia made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted after democratic elections in 1990 and amended in 2001. It covers fundamental freedoms and rights, the organisation of government, the Constitutional Court, local government and international relations. The site provides background and historical notes to the Constitution along with amendments which do not appear in the text.

Constitution of Azerbaijan

English translation of the Azerbaijan Constitution, provided by the University of Bern's International Constitutional Law (ICL) website. The Constitution was adopted in 1995 and covers the people's power, basic rights, liberties and responsibilities, the basis of legislative, executive and judicial power and local self government in Azerbaijan. There are links to the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan and the President's website, along with brief background information to the Constitution.

Constitution of Belarus

This site contains the Belarus Constitution of 1994. The document is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution includes sections covering the principles of the constitutional system, the individual, society and the state, the electoral system, legislative, executive and judicial power, local government and state monitoring and supervision. The site also provides other constitutional documents, background information to the Constitution and a brief history of Belarus.

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