
Constitution of Angola

This site contains the full text of the Angolan Constitution, as adopted by the People's Republic of Angola in August 1992. The document is provided by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution covers the nature of the executive and judiciary functions of government in Angola, the relationship between the individual and the state and the rights and duties of citizens.

International Constitutional Law

International Constitutional Law (ICL) provides English translations of constitutional documents from many countries of the world. Documents are cross-referenced to enable comparison of constitutional provisions. The site is edited by Professor Axel Tschentscher, LL.M of the University of Bern in Switzerland and details are given of other contributors. The site provides online constitutions, background and historical information for a number of countries along with more limited information other countries.

Constitution of Turkey

This site contains the 1982 Constitution of Turkey (amended up to 2007) in English, provided by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) project at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The document deals with fundamental, social and economic and political rights and duties, sources of legislative, executive and judicial power, national defence and financial and economic provisions.The site also provides historical and background information to the Constitution.

National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Official website of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. There is a brief history of the National Assembly along with background information on the role, functions and organisation of the National Assembly and its various committees. Details of members for each province are given. The site also has full text legislation given in English including a copy of the Laos Constitution.The site is available in Lao and English.

Constitution of Italy

English version of the Italian Constitution of 1948, incorporating amendments made up to 2014, provided by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) Project at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The ICL site also offers constitutional background information and brief historical and news items. The Constitution describes the functions and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. It also provides details of the civil rights and duties of the individual citizen.

Constitution of South Korea

This site contains the full text of the 1948 Constitution of South Korea as amended up to 1987. It also offers a brief political history of the region with dates of past amendments to the Constitution. The Constitution sets out the functions and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial functions of government in the region. It also describes the rights and duties of the individual citizen.

Constitution of Mongolia

Site containing the full text of the Constitution of Mongolia as adopted in 1992 and made freely available by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution details the structure of the state, the role and powers of the main branches of government including the legislature, executive and judiciary, regional government and the Constitutional Court. It also sets out the rights and responsibilities of the individual citizen within the region.

Constitution of Libya

Website containing an English translation of the 1969 Constitution of Libya made freely available by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The constitution outlines the functions and powers of the judicial, executive and legislative functions of government. It also details the individual rights and responsibilities of the citizen. There is background information on the history of the Constitution. The site also contains a copy of the Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People.

Constitution of Syria

This site contains the full-text of the Syria Constitution which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1973 and this version does not include any subsequent amendments. The document covers political principles, economic principles, educational and cultural principles, freedoms, rights and duties. It also includes the basis of legislative, executive and judicial power. The site has related links and background notes to the Constitution.

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