united states

District of Columbia Code

Website publishing the official code of the District of Columbia, USA. This is the 2006 edition of the code with subsequent amendments included. The code text is provided by the District of Columbia in conjunction with Westlaw. Links to the Constitution for the District of Columbia are included in the service along with a free text search engine. You will need to use a browser with cookies enabled to access this site.

South Dakota Codified Laws

Website containing the legislation for the US State of South Dakota in codified form. The service offers a list of statutory titles to browse, the text of the Constitution of South Dakota and text of the codified laws current up to the 2007 session. The statutes and the Constitution can both be searched by keyword and there is a selection of FAQs.

Tennessee Code and Constitution

Online full text version of the Tennessee Code and Constitution made freely available by Michie's Legal Resources a division of LexisNexis Publishing. The statutes (updated to 2007) are listed by subject and there are simple and advanced search options available. The United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee are also made freely available on the site.

North Dakota Century Code

Online version of the North Dakota Century Code and Constitution made freely available on the internet by the US State of North Dakota. The Century Code contains a codification of all general and permanent law enacted since statehood. The site offers the latest version of the Code, derived from the bill drafting database used by the North Dakota Legislative Council. A table of contents lists each title in alphabetical order. Code titles are presented on the site in PDF. The site offers search instructions and additional links to the North Dakota constitution and session laws.

Stanford Technology Law Review

Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.

North Carolina General Statutes

Collection of General Statutes for the US State of North Carolina, on the North Carolina General Assembly website. A table of contents lists statutes in chapter number order with links to texts in HTML, PDF and RTF formats. The statutes are updated to 2007. A free text search box with tips on searching is also provided.

Constitution, Statutes and Session Laws of Maine

Official website from the Maine State Legislature, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, making the text of Revised Statutes for the US State of Maine freely available on the web. The site presents the text of the statutes in codified form current to December 31, 2007. A browsable table of contents links to specific titles. A statute search by title, section or phrase is also provided. In addition, the site publishes the text of the Maine Constitution and Session Laws for 1997 to 2007 - browsable by chapter or accessible via search box. Tips on searching are provided.

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