united states

Guide to the U.S. Federal Legal System: Web-based Public Accessible Sources

An online research guide outlining the structure of the US federal legal system with reference to web based publicly accessible legal sources written by Gretchen Feltes, Reference Librarian/Faculty Services at the New York University School of Law Library. The guide was originally published in 2003 on LLRX.com (Law Library Resource Xchange), the free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Women's Legal History Biography Project

A collection of educational materials aiming to record the history, lives, work and careers of pioneering women lawyers in the United States, derived from a course on women's legal history at Stanford Law School. Materials offered by the site include: articles, research guides and bibliographies, biographical profiles, obituaries and a photographic archive of early women lawyers. A list of links to other relevant Internet sites is also provided. A section of the site concentrates on Clara Shortridge Foltz the first women lawyer on the Pacific Coast (California 1978).

State Statutes on the internet : family law

This is one section of a page of the Legal Information Institute internet gateway which is part of Cornell Law School in New York State. There is an alphabetical list of the individual states of the United States with links through to the state legislature websites. These in most cases have the full-text of the state statutes from the late 1990s onwards, relating to family law which covers children, marital and domestic relations, as well as other subject areas.

Megan's Law by State

An online directory containing status information and links to legislation providing for sex offender registration and community notification in each of the US states, known as "Megan's Law" legislation. A map indicates the level of Internet access to records provided by the state authorities, ranging from state sponsored access to no community notification. Directory entries include information about the state contact, administrating agency, duration of requirement, penalties for non-compliance and confidentiality provisions with links to relevant websites and online documents.

Commonwealth Law Revision Commission

Official website for the Law Revision Commission in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Commonwealth is a United States jurisdiction consisting of fourteen tropical islands in the Micronesia region, east of the Philippines. The site outlines the work of the Commission and Commonwealth Legislature with contact details. Purchasing information relating to Commission publications is presented on the site.

Oregon Law Commission

Website for the US State of Oregon's Law Commission, hosted and supported by the Willamette University College of Law. The Commission is involved in the review and development of law in Oregon. The site lists Commissioners, staff, and current work groups and sets out a calendar of Commission activities. Publications available online include the Commission's Biennial Reports, legislative reports and working drafts of proposed bills. Links to other law reform sites and Oregon legal resources are also provided.

New Jersey Law Revision Commission

The New Jersey Law Revision Commission's official website. The Commission is responsible for reviewing legislation and facilitating the update and development of legislation in the US State of New Jersey. The website presents a list of active review projects, final reports and recommendations and enacted reports relating to past projects. Details of statutes based on Commission reports, Bills pending in Legislature and notes on projects of interest to other state legislatures are included.

Connecticut Law Revision Commission

Official website for the Law Revision Commission for the State of Connecticut in the United States. The Commission is involved in an ongoing review of State law, making recommendations on potential updates to legislative measures and producing written reports and proposals in areas identified for reform. The site publishes information about the current commissioners, staff and projects. Notes and documentation resulting from past projects (including those on adoption laws and confidentiality of medical records) are also made available on the site in HTML format.

Native American Rights Fund: National Indian Law Library

Website of the National Indian Law Library established as a department of the Native American Right Fund in Boulder, Colorado, USA to serve the research needs of the Fund and the wider public. The site gives information about library services and unique collections of Native American legal resources with access to the NILL online catalogue. Materials held by the library include Tribal self-governance documents, treaty texts and Federal administrative documents and selected pleadings from important cases, reporters and manuals.

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