
Adjudicator to HM Land Registry

Website of the Adjudicator to HM Land Registry who is an independent judge dealing with Land Registry disputes. The office was created under the Land Registration Act 2002. The site provides information aimed at people preparing a case including a guide containing FAQs and a glossary of terms. Forms can also be downloaded from the site. Decisions of the Adjudicator are published in full on the site.

Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal

Official Website of the Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal. These are independent judicial bodies that deal with complaints brought under various employment protection legislation. The site provides a selection of FAQs with information on applying to a tribunal and covering issues such as what the hearing involves, representation and expenses. There is also information on the types of complaints that are heard by the tribunals and application forms which can be downloaded from the site.

Fair Employment Tribunal Northern Ireland Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Northern Ireland Fair Employment Tribunal. The database contains decisions from 2002 onwards to date. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year.The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and Recent Cases listing. A link is given to the Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal, Northern Ireland website. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Industrial Tribunals in Northern Ireland Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunals. The database contains decisions from 2002 onwards to date. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and Recent Cases listing. A link is given to the Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal, Northern Ireland Website. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Council of Australasian Tribunals

Website of the Council of Australasian Tribunals (COAT) the umbrella body for Australian and New Zealand tribunals. The aim of COAT is to provide training and support for tribunals, provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and to develop best practice based on collective experience. The site has a copy of the COAT constitution and a selection of background papers. Details of executive members and forthcoming events are also provided. There is a page devoted to each chapter with contact details, events and other local information.

Competition Tribunal South Africa

Website of the South African Competition Tribunal an independent body that adjudicates on competition matters such as restrictive practices, abuse of dominance and mergers. The Tribunal also hears appeals against decisions taken by the Competition Commission. The site includes a copy of the Competition Act and related legislation, a copy of the Tribunal rules and information about the functions and procedures of the Tribunal. Decisions of the Tribunal and of the Competition Appeal Court are available on the site in full-text along with selected decisions of the High Court.

Valuation Tribunal for Wales

Website of the Valuation Tribunal for Wales an independent organisation that deals with appeals about Non-Domestic Rates and Council Tax in Wales. The site has a selection of FAQs providing background information about the role and functions of the Tribunal, how to prepare a case, attending the hearing and making an appeal. A link is given to an external site providing access to the Tribunal’s decisions.

Office of the Schools Adjudicator

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) which was set up under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Schools Adjudicators make decisions relating to school organisation issues and admission arrangements in cases that cannot be resolved locally. The website provides access to the decisions of the OSA. If these decisions have been subject to judicial review these proceedings are also included online. There are profiles of the Schools Adjudicators, guidance to the process and copies of the relevant legislation that is linked to on the site.

First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards) which was established under the Protection of Children Act 1999. This tribunal considers appeals relating to decisions regarding the suitability of individuals to work with children, the registration of care homes, children's homes and adoption and fostering agencies and the registration of childminders and day care providers. The site provides links to the regulations under which the Tribunal operates and to legislation under which appeals may be brought.

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