
Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland

Website of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (MHTS), the forum for making decisions relating to the compulsory care and treatment of people under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. The site gives background information about the Tribunal, including related legislation; it also provides downloadable forms and the full text of appeals against decisions of the MHTS.

Pensions Appeal Tribunal Scotland

Website of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals for Scotland. These Tribunals hear appeals from ex-servicemen or women who have had their claims for a war pension rejected by the Secretary of State for Defence in Scotland. The site has a selection of FAQs on how to make an appeal and a medical appendix providing definitions for a range of medical conditions.

Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales

The Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW) considers appeals from parents of children, with special educational needs, against decisions of Welsh Local Authorities. The site has information on the make up of the Tribunal and its powers. Annual reports are provided back to 2003/4 containing statistical information about the type of appeals dealt with by the SENTW. A page of related web links is also given.

Canada Industrial Relations Board

Website for the Canada Industrial Relations Board, formed in 1999, and replacing the former Canada Labour Relations Board. The CIRB is an independent quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part I (Industrial Relations) and certain provisions of Part II (Occupational Safety and Health) of the Canada Labour Code. The site is available in English and French, and includes a database of summaries of the Board's decisions passed to date in HTML format.

British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal

The British Columbia (BC) Human Rights Tribunal is an independent quasi-judicial body established by the BC Human Rights Code. It deals with complaints referred to it by the British Columbia Human Rights Commission. The site gives details of the Tribunal's mandate and its relationship with the Commission. The full text of the Tribunal's preliminary, interim and final decisions is provided, from 1997 onwards. They can be browsed by year from the Decisions page; to search by party name or key word, use the Advanced Search facility on the Search page (which searches the whole site).

Human Rights Tribunal - Quebec

Website for the Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec. The Tribunal was created in December 1990, comes under the judiciary system of Quebec, and has jurisdiction to hear and rule on complaints concerning discrimination, harassment and exploitation. The site is available in English and French versions, and contains a description of the Tribunal and how it works, together with links to a database of decisions from 1991 onwards in full-text HTML format on CanLII. The decisions are mostly in French, although there is a section in English in a separate file.

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

Website for the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal available in English and French. The Tribunal applies the rights of equality, equal opportunity, fair treatment, and non-discrimination to cases referred to it by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The site provides a database of decisions from 1979 onwards in full-text HTML format. The decisions can be searched by year or by complainant's name, and a free-text search engine is available which searches the content of the whole site.

International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal Judgements

Website of Triblex a databse providing access to judgements of the International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal. The ILO Administrative Tribunal considers complaints from officials of the International Labour Office or one of the other international organizations that recognise its jurisdiction. The case law database, Triblex, carries selected judgments of the Tribunal in both official languages (English and French). Its purpose is to guide users to salient points in the Tribunal's reasoning.

Employment Appeal Tribunal

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) is the senior court in England and Wales which deals with appeals from decisions of the Employment Tribunals. Its website provides information on the purpose, operation and current work of the tribunal. This includes information on procedure, schedules of forthcoming works and a searchable database of decisions in cases from 1999 onwards. Typical areas dealt with include: unfair dismissal cases, disputes over contacts of employment and sex discrimination at work.

Employment Relations Tribunal

Official website of the Employment Relations Tribunal of the Republic of Mauritius. This is a quasi-judicial body which hears industrial disputes and delivers awards. It was created following a merger between the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal and the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal in February 2009. The site gives history and background information to the Tribunal and details of its members. Details of awards made by the Tribunal can be viewed on the site in PDF or Word for each year from 1995 onwards.

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