
Harvard Journal of Law and Technology

The Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is published twice yearly by students at the Harvard Law School and is made freely available online back to 1988. Articles, case notes and book reviews are presented in full-text in PDF format covering the legal aspects of the Internet, e-commerce, intellectual property and telecommunications. Recent articles have looked at data mining and antitrust, patent law uniformity and regulating broadband internet access.The site gives details of JOLT's symposia and details of the editors and staff.


Ofcom is a UK official body created in December 2003 from five former telecommunications watchdogs and regulatory authorities- the Broadcasting Standards Commission, Independent Television Commission (ITC), Oftel (Office of Telecommunications), Radio Authority and Radiocommunications Agency. Its role is to regulate all aspects of the British telecommunications sector. This includes TV and radio broadcasting, digital media, mobile phones and land based telephones. The website provides information on the role of the body and its current activities.

Centre for Innovation Law and Policy

The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy (CILP) is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and describes itself as a "multi-faceted academic centre devoted to the study of laws, institutions and policies that affect, or are affected by, innovation or technological change". The site has information about the Centre and its staff and includes online full-text copies of CILP's newsletter. Details are given of research projects being carried out at the Centre including links to full text papers where available.

Website of a company with a panel of experienced adjudicators providing adjudication services and information. Adjudication is a way of settling disputes in the construction and telecommunications industries. The website gives profiles of the committee and panel members of the company and explains the process of adjudication providing a glossary of terms, checklists and a database of decided cases. The case summaries are arranged alphabetically and by date with a link to the full-text of the judgment.

Information Society Project

Website of the Information Society Project (ISP), a research project managed by the Yale Law School. The ISP is concerned with the "implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society, guided by the values of democracy, human development, and social justice". Research programmes look at digital education, law and genomics and intellectual property reform and innovation. Papers prepared by research staff can be downloaded in full-text PDF.

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