
Researching the Law of the Spanish Autonomous Communities

Online guide to the law of Spain’s autonomous communities, by Julienne E. Grant, Reference Librarian/Foreign & International Research Specialist at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law Library. The guide was published in 2019 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives historical background information to Spain’s autonomous communities and lists key texts and electronic guides to aid research on this topic.

Constituciones Hispanoamericas

The Constituciones Hispanoamericas website provides free online access to Spanish constitutions (both current and historical) and those of Latin American countries. The site forms part of the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes digital library which is hosted by the University of Alicante in Spain. As well as the catalogue of constitutions and related documents there is background and historical information on Spanish and Latin American constitutionalism and a page of related web links. The site is available in Spanish only.

Archivo Histórico

The Historical Archive is part of the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) site, an official government site in Spain which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. The Archive has been maintained and developed as a joint project with the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid since 1999. It includes searchable databases covering the history of privileges (1826-1878), patent applications (1878-1966) and trade marks (1865-1910). For each database, guidance is given regarding background, search strategy and fields available.

Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas

The OEPM is an Spanish official body which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. Different sections of its website provide guidance relating to trade marks and distinctive signs, industrial intellectual property, industrial design and inventions. Press releases can be searched by date and subject area. A wide selection of different databases is available; some offer free access and other require individual subscription. Recent issues of the “Boletín Oficial de la Propriedad Industria BOPI” are available.

Constitution of Spain

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides an English translation of the 1978 Spanish Constitution, including the August 1992 amendment to Article 13(2). It also provides a quick reference list of dates relating to key dates between 1975 (death of General Franco) and 2000 and links to a small selection of Spanish Government websites.

Noticias Juridicas

A Spanish site providing legal news, key Spanish legislation as amended and selected case law. The site offers RSS feed subscriptions for legislation updates as well as searchable databases of legislation and jurisprudence. The site is in Spanish.


A free online directory providing information about the practice of law and work of the legal profession across Europe. The directory describes training requirements and activities for lawyers, bailiffs and notaries in European countries. Click on the country flag to access. Coverage includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.

Consejo General del Notariado

Website of the General Council of Public Notaries of Spain, providing information about purchasing property in Spain, wills and inheritance, forming companies, loans, and other subjects. The site also offers a directory of notaries of Spain and a short section on recent legislation. The English-language section of the site gives background information about notaries and brief advice on areas such as starting a company in Spain.

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