south africa

Decisions of the Northern Cape High Court, South Africa

This SAFLII database provides full text access to judgments of the Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley in South Africa. Decisions are available from 2001 onwards to date and can be searched or browsed alphabetically by party name or chronologically by year. Cases can be downloaded in HTML and can be viewed in either English or Afrikaans. The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) is a collaborative project of the Wits Law School in South Africa and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) providing free South African legal information.

Forced evictions and disability rights in Africa

Online article looking at forced evictions and disability rights in Africa written by Buhle Angelo Dube who is a lecturer at the University of Swaziland's Law Department. The article was published in 2008 (and updated in 2023 by Sibusiso Nhlabatsi) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The first section explains the background to forced evictions and their impact in Africa and focuses on this practice in Ghana, Swaziland and Botswana.

World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists

Website of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists (WSMJJ) an organisation made up of law faculties, individuals and international organisations whose aim is to study jurisdictions with mixed legal systems (including both civil law and common law traditions) around the world. These include South Africa, Scotland, Israel, Quebec, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. The site gives contact details for officers and members, information on conferences and events held by the Society and publications produced by WSMJJ. 

Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

Official website of the South African Parliament providing background information to the Parliament, how it is structured, its functions and details of members and officers of the Parliament. There are details of the various committees and parliamentary papers, including committee reports, order papers and minutes of proceedings, can be downloaded from the site. Recent speeches can be viewed and the most recent editions of Hansard can be searched, browsed and downloaded. Bills before Parliament can be viewed in full.

Transitional justice in Africa: the experience with truth commissions

Article looking at transitional justice and the African truth commissions, written by Charles Manga Fombad who is Professor of Law at the University of Botswana. The article was published in 2008 and updated in 2022 on New York University's Globalex website. Covers truth commissions in 18 African countries and comments on their work. Links are given to related legal resources including research guides, bibliographies and law libraries.

Werksmans Attorneys

Werksmans is a South African corporate and commercial law firm. Their website provides information about the firm and its practice areas, together with legal updates, podcasts and videos. Webinar-based training courses for lawyers are also available, for a fee. 


LegalB, run by Advocate Rita Felgate, audits South African legislation against rule of law principles. The Resources section of its website provides a collection of South African legislation and an overview of the sources of South African legislation from 1652 to 1994. The site also has a blog focusing on rule of law standards.

Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), a non-governmental organisation working to promote and strengthen human rights in South Africa. The site provides background information on the LHR and details of its work, which focuses on areas including penal reform; the rights of refugees, migrants and stateless people; land and housing; environmental rights; and gender equality. HLR research reports and other publications are available on the site, together with campaign information and news items.

General Council of the Bar of South Africa

Website of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa (GCBSA), the professional organisation for advocates in South Africa. Includes an overview of the South African legal system and information about careers and training. The 'Legal Practice Act' page provides a compilation of documents such as bar examination syllabuses and a proposal for practical vocational training.The Rules of Professional Ethics are also available, and there is a page of information about judicial nominees.

Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa

The Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa  (CCASA), formerly the Corporate Lawyers Association of South Africa, is a non-profit organisation formed in 1982 to promote the interests of company (in-house) lawyers. Its website provides background information about the role of the corporate lawyer. The CCASA code of ethics, disciplinary code and various policies are available on the site, along with details of events and courses held by the association. A selection of articles and other content is available to members.

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