
Law Society of Ireland

Website of the Law Society of Ireland. The Society, established in 1773, works to improve access to the law generally and also provides representation, services and support for solicitors. It exercises statutory functions in relation to the education, admission, enrolment, discipline and regulation of the solictors' profession. The site provides an overview of the work of the society and of the legal profession in Ireland.

Legal 500

Online versions of Legalease's directories to the legal profession: Legal 500, Asia Pacific Legal 500 and the US Legal 500 and the Europe, Middle East and Africa Legal 500. The site lists legal practitioners and firms from all over the world, searchable by country and region. Overviews of the legal market in each country are given along with legal news and law firm news. There are articles on different specialisations within commercial law written by legal practitioners.

Law Society of Scotland

The Law Society of Scotland is the governing body for Scottish solicitors. The site provides information on what the Society does, the Scottish court system, famous Scottish lawyers and cases and a general history of Scots law. There is a directory of law firms and individual solicitors in Scotland along with a directory of the Society's Accredited Specialists. There is information aimed at members dealing with client care, legal aid, international relations and money laundering. A selection of forms is available to download.

Legal Aid Agency

The Legal Aid Agency is the body responsible for the administration of legal aid in England and Wales. The Agency gives means-tested financial help for people needing legal advice and administers legal aid for civil and criminal cases. There is guidance on how to apply for legal aid and information for service providers. The site has a list of current tenders and news items.

Law Society of England and Wales

Website of the Law Society, the body responsible for supporting and representing solicitors in England and Wales. The site provides information about the the organisation and activities of the Law Society, including details of work in the areas of law reform, parliamentary activity and responses to proposed changes in the law. It also provides a copy of the Law Society's Royal Charter, details of products and services for solicitors and further information about practice support, continuing professional development and dealing with complaints.

London Solicitors Litigation Association

Website of the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA) an organisation formed in 1952 to represent solicitors practising civil litigation in central London. The website has information about the LSLA including the constitution, profiles of officers and details of forthcoming events. Copies of the Association's newsletter, Resolve and LSLA responses to consultation exercises are made freely available in full-text. There is also a page of related links.

Solicitors Sole Practitioners' Group

The Solicitors Sole Practitioners' Group (SPG) is a Law Society group formed in 1992 to represent sole practitioners in the legal profession. The website provides information on the history, structure and constitution of the Group and a message board provides a forum for members to exchange ideas. A selection of reports dealing with subjects of interest to sole practitioners such as risk management and supervision of offices are also made available online along with a page of links and resources. The SPG's journal, Solo can be viewed on the site in PDF format.

London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association

Website of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association (LCCSA) an organisation founded in 1948 whose members are Solicitors who practise in and around the Greater London area. The site has information about the association, contact details of officers and a directory of members. There is a selection of responses to consultation papers from the Government and the Law Commission representing the LCCSA's point of view on issues such as very high cost cases and managing people with severe personality disorder. These are available in HTML.

Criminal Law Solicitors Association

The Criminal Law Solicitors Association (CLSA) was established in 1990 to represent criminal lawyers in England and Wales. The site has legal news stories of interest to criminal practitioners and a directory of CLSA members which can be searched by postcode, name or court. There is advice for the public including what to do if you are interviewed by the police or asked to be a witness or an Appropriate Adult. A CLSA bulletin and a sentencing guidelines newsletter can be downloaded from the site. There is also a page of related web links.

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