
Financial Conduct Authority

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial services in the UK; it is one of two successors to the Financial Services Authority (the other being the Prudential Regulation Authority). The FCA website has information and guidance for consumers and financial services firms. There is a link to the FCA Handbook, which sets out the obligations of regulated firms. The News section includes FCA consultation papers, discussion papers, policy statements and other publications.

Claims Management Regulation

This section of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) website explains the work of the department responsible for regulating claims management services: businesses regulated under the Compensation Act 2006, dealing with claims relating to personal injury, criminal injuries, industrial injuries, employment, financial services and housing disrepair. The site has guidance for claims management business on applying for authorisation, information for consumers, a searchable directory of authorised businesses, legislation and other documentation.

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is a non-departmental body responsible for the protection of the environment in Scotland. SEPA is responsible for monitoring the quality of Scotland's air, land and water and acts as the country’s environmental regulator. The site has sections providing information and publications dealing with air quality, climate change, flooding, land, planning, water quality, radioactive substances and waste.

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Official website of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) the body with responsibility for handling complaints about public services in Scotland. This includes local government, the National Health Service, the Scottish Government, housing associations and colleges and universities. The SPSO looks at complaints that have already been through the formal complaints process of the organisation concerned. The site provides information on how to complain and full text investigation reports.

Scottish Social Services Council

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) was established in October 2001 by the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. Its main purpose is to register and regulate the social service workforce in Scotland . The website gives access to consultation documents, information leaflets on social work qualifications and the Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers. There is guidance on making a complaint and decisions of the SSSC can be viewed in PDF. The register of social service workers for Scotland can be searched on the site.

Crofting Commission

Website of the Crofters Commission, an organisation established in 1955 to develop and regulate the crofting system and to promote and protect the interests of crofters. Crofting is a system of land tenure, regulated through the Crofting Acts, found only in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. This site provides information on the role and functions of the Commission and on becoming a crofter. Publications of the Commission, including leaflets, can be viewed n the site. Forms, legislation and policy guidance can also be downloaded.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Website of the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) the independent inspectorate and regulator of healthcare in Wales. The HIW is part of the Welsh Assembly Government and has responsibility for reviewing and inspecting NHS and independent healthcare organisations. The site has HIW publications including reviews, inspection reports and corporate documents which can be downloaded in full text along with links to related legislation.

Care Inspectorate Wales

Care Inspectorate Wales is the independent regulator of social care and childcare in Wales. Work involves registering and inspecting care services, responding to concerns raised about social care and ensuring services meet legislative and regulatory requirements. Inspection, annual and local authority reports are available on the site. Links are given to relevant legislation, regulations and guidance. There is also a searchable care services directory and a register of service providers.

General Teaching Council for Wales

The General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) is an independent, self-regulating body for the teaching profession in Wales. It regulates admission to the profession, acts as an advocate for the teaching profession and maintains a register of qualified teachers. Users can find out more about the Council, information on professional standards and professional development and information on the qualification / registration process. The site also contains news items, links to ongoing consultations and external websites. The GTCW website can be viewed in English and Welsh.

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