

The website of Eurasylum, a company established in April 2001 which conducts research and consultancy for government departments, judicial bodies, international organisations and NGO's in the areas of immigration and asylum policy. The website provides general information about the company, links to a range of news sources covering immigration and asylum issues, organisations providing courses and training on refugee and immigration law and conference information.

Asylum Homepage of US Citizenship and Immigration Services

The Asylum section of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service website can be found under Humanitarian Benefits in the Services and Benefits section. The site provides general information about the Asylum Program and information on how to apply for asylum, and how refugees seek lawful permanent resident status. The Humanitarian Benefits section also includes information on refugees; temporary protected status; humanitarian parole; Violence Against Women Act; and Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act.

Refugee Review Tribunal Decisions

An AustLII database featuring the full-text of published decisions of the Refugee Review Tribunal in Australia. The system offers a comprehensive search facility, case name search, and recent decisions listing. Data is supplied by the Tribunal in a format edited to protect the privacy of applicants and their relatives. All decisions from 1985 - 1st June 1999 are published. After that date only selected key decisions are published by the Tribunal.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organisation which seeks to protect human rights all over the world. Its website provides up to date information on its work as well as access to many of its publications.

Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration (FFM)

This is the website of Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration (FFM), a Berlin-based research centre focusing on refugee movements. Founded in 1994, FFM researches the situation of refugees and migrants in various Central and Eastern European countries. Main research areas are refugee interests and rights, German legislation with respect to refugees and migrants, the trans-national nature of refugees' and migrants' own organisations amongst others.


This is the website of FlygtningenÁvnet (The Refugee Board) which is described as being an "independent court-like body whose most important task is to process appeal cases after the Danish Immigration Service has refused to grant asylum in the first instance. The Board is not dependent on the political process and, hence, it is not subjected to Government or Parliamentary directives." The site includes a newsletter, information on the Refugee Board and its tasks, background material about the legal status of refugees, publications and links to other organisations working with refugees.

Global Database on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement

Website of the Global Database on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, a Joint project between the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement and the Institute for the Study of International Migration in the United States. The site provides FAQs and background on internal displacement, historical information on the Guiding Principles and legal annotations to the Guiding Principles. The full text of the Guiding Principles can be viewed online in PDF.

Forced Migration Guide

Online guide to the information resources and research literature of forced migration written by Elisa Mason who is an independent information specialist who focuses on forced migration issues. It is intended to provide students and researchers with a solid introduction to the main research tools and resources available for the academic study of forced migration. This includes coverage of refugees, internal displacement and human trafficking.

Researching the legal aspects of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom

Guide to the legal materials relating to asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, written by Colin Fong, a senior visiting fellow at the University of New South Wales. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guide covers the relevant legislation and case law and gives an overview of other sources, including government reports, monographs, treaties, journal articles and indexes, news sources, relevant organisations and websites. References are given to printed works and there are links to online materials.

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