
Electronic Immigration Network

EIN is a voluntary sector organisation providing information on immigration and refugee law. It is aimed primarily at immigration law practitioners and advisors, but it also contains freely available information for others interested in the subject. Freely available resources include links to government publications, news and events information. There are subject sections covering asylum, refugee and immigration issues in Europe, United Kingdom and worldwide. Sections of the site are reserved for members only including case law, legislation and country information.

Human Rights First

Human Rights First is an advocacy organization based in New York City and Washington, DC. Areas of concern include: international justice and the ICC, international humanitarian law, international refugee policy, campaigns against torture and support of refugees and asylum-seekers in the US. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation and its activities. It includes news alerts, press releases and papers.

Refworld (UNHCR)

A large collection of law and policy documentation relating to refugees and statelessness, provided free by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) since 2007 as a resource for decision-making on refugee status. The database includes country reports sourced from the UN, NGOs, governments, international organisations, academic institutions and judicial bodies, focusing on the country situation and human rights issues.

First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support), the body which hears appeals from asylum seekers who have had support withdrawn by the UK Border Agency. The site has information about making an appeal, what happens at a hearing and a downloadable application form. Reason Statements (decisions) of the Adjudicators are available in full-text on the site and can be searched by date, adjudicator, appeal number or keyword. Annual reports and business plans are available on the site in PDF and there are links to related rules and legislation.

Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University

The Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) is part of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and affiliated with the Law Center at Georgetown University. The ISIM is engaged in research and teaching covering all areas of international migration, U.S. immigration and refugee law and policy. The site has details of academic programmes and training courses and outlines of current research projects. A list of ISIM publications can be viewed by author or topic and a selection of articles and working papers are made freely available in full-text.

UK Border Agency

The Border and Immigration Agency, ( formerly The Immigration and Nationality Directorate) is an executive agency of the Home Office. Its function is to control borders and manage immigration to the UK. Its website provides government press releases, legislation, statistical data and research reports.

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