
The Chagos Archive

Online collection of documents, maps, photographs and videos recording the history of the people of the Chagos Islands (also known as the British Indian Ocean Territory, or BIOT), their exile when the US-UK military base was set up on Diego Garcia, and the resulting legal disputes. The archive includes US and UK official documents; UN documents; documents from court cases; birth, death and marriage records; material from Chagossian organisations; literature about the Chagos Archipelago its people; and material from the national archives of Mauritius and the Seychelles.

The Chagos Archipelago

Website about the Chagos Archipelago, or British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). Covers the deportation of the Chagossians; the administration of the BIOT; British policy regarding the archipelago; and disputes regarding sovereignty, citizenship, the Chagossians’ right of abode and other matters. The BIOT Administration section includes a substantial collection of BIOT legislation.

Law Society: Research Guides

Collection of online legal research guides provided by the Law Society Library and made freely available on its website. The guides look at finding resources such as journal articles, treaties, law reports and legislation; how to research Scottish or Irish law; and how to trace past solicitors and law firms. The guides refer to resources held by the Law Society Library, subscription and free internet resources and details of relevant organisations.

WTO Guide to Documentation

Guide to WTO and GATT documentation, produced by the World Trade Organization’s Information Management Service. Explains how WTO/GATT documentation is organised and gives details of official document references, or ‘symbols’; also covers sales publications (as opposed to official documents). Gives an overview of key titles, such as Basic Instruments and Selected Documents and the Analytical Index to WTO dispute cases, with links to online versions (where available). Provides indexes and schedules, including a full list of all document symbols. (Law Library Resource Exchange) is a free legal technology web journal for legal information professionals. LLRX is edited by Sabrina Pacifici, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland College for Information Studies and Center for Information Policy, and founder and editor of the legal blog, beSpacific. LLRX provides resource guides, feature articles and columns on legal research and technology issues. Articles can be browsed by date, author, column or subject.

Globefield Press

Web pages of Globefield Press, a law publisher based in the UK, which publishes loose-leaf works on international trade law and anti-dumping. The site presents details of the book International Trade Regulation which is a guide to law and practice of the World Trade Organization and other multilateral arrangements governing international trade. The site presents the contents page and the full-text (PDF) of chapter 2. There are samples of reviews of the work, selected online links to international trade sites and details of price and annual subscription.

International Court of Justice

Website of the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The site lists cases currently being heard by the Court and cases pending and provides information about the Court's role, jurisdiction and procedure. All judgments and advisory opinions are available, together with the decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Other basic documentation includes the Court's statute, its rules, and the resolution on judicial practice. The site also available in English, French, Spanish and other languages.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights seeks to promote universal enjoyment of all human rights by responding to violations and promoting the implementation of international instruments. Its website provides the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in over 300 different languages, together with human rights treaties, fact sheets, decisions and working documents of the various UN human rights bodies (such as the Committee Against Torture and the Council on Human Rights). Printed and multi-media materials relating to the Universal Declaration are also available.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights forms part of the Inter-American system of human rights, within the Organization of American States. Its website has Spanish or English versions, but most of the content is in Spanish. It offers judgments and decisions in Spanish; the Court's Statute and rules in Spanish, English and other languages; press releases in Spanish; and information about the work of the Court in Spanish and English (etc.).

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