

Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.

Le Parlement federal de Belgique

This website is a portal to the two houses of the Belgian parliament: the Chamber (De Kamer or La Chambre) and the Senate (De Senaat or Le Sénat). The Chamber’s website provides details of parliamentary bills and proposals, which can be browsed by number, author, subject or parliamentary session. The agenda and reports of the plenary session are also available. The Senate’s website provides access to a wide range of legislative documents including proposals and bills, motions for resolutions and revisions of the Constitution.

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the parliament (Seimas) of the Lithuanian Republic. Contains detailed information regarding the history, structure, operation and workings of the Parliament, including the various parliamentary officers and sub committees, parliamentary documents and press releases, and public and international relations information. Contains a searchable database of full text English translations of Lithuanian legislation. Also contains English translations of all relevant EU legislation. The site can be viewed in Lithuanian and English.


Tynwald is the Isle of Man parliament. Its website provides publications such as Hansard (1997/98 onwards), recent bills, committee reports (2000/01 onwards) and order papers (1997/98 onwards). Information is available about the progress of current bills, parliamentary procedure and the history of Tynwald. The site also includes press releases and lists past and present Members of Tynwald.


Portal to Belgian law: the site links to searchable databases of legislation, jurisprudence and parliamentary proceedings. The Legislation section features national Belgian legislation, the Flemish Code, official government gazette and international legislation covering the Benelux Economic Union, European Union and treaties applicable in domestic law. The Jurisprudence section includes judgments from the Constitutional Court, Council of State and Court of Cassation. The site is available in Dutch, French, German or English.

Congreso de la Republica de Colombia: Camara de Representantes

Official website of the Chamber of Representatives (legislative branch) of the Congress of Colombia. There are profiles of representatives and information on the work of the Chamber. Full text codes and legislation back to 1992 can be viewed on the site along with a copy of the Constitution and a list of bills. An outline of the work of the various commissions and committees is also given. The site is available in Spanish only.


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