
National Assembly of Angola

Official website of the National Assembly of Angola (Assembleia Nacional), the main legislative body of Angola. The site gives details of Assembly members and information on the roles of the different sections of the National Assembly – the plenary, president, bureau and standing committee. Details of committees and working groups are also given. The site outlines the legislative process and there is a copy of the Constitution along with laws concerning the National Assembly and its work. The site can be viewed in Portuguese only.

Parliamentary Monitoring Group

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG) provides access to committee proceedings of the South African National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces (upper chamber) in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes. Details of public hearings and ministerial replies to MPs' written questions are given and it is also possible to track the progress of bills and view the act in full text. Information is given on the provincial legislatures including profiles of members, committees and contact details. The PMG blog highlights important Parliamentary events of the current week.

People’s Assembly

Website of the People’s Assembly, a not for profit organisation, which aims to “promote accountability and bridge the gap between ordinary people and their elected representatives” in South Africa.

It is possible to search for elected representatives by name or location and profiles and contact details are given for all members of the National Assembly, National Council of Provinces and Provincial Legislatures. There is also guidance for citizens on making a submission to parliament, starting a petition and writing or visiting a parliamentary committee.

Bermuda Parliament

Official website of the Bermuda Parliament which is a bicameral legislature with two chambers - the House of Assembly (a lower house of elected members) and the Senate (the upper house with appointed members). The site has profiles of MPs and details of parliamentary committees. There are also bills, statutory instruments, standing orders and parliamentary questions given  for both houses. Hansard is available for the House of Assembly back to 2010.

Parliament of the Czech Republic, Senate

Official website of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The site provides information about the senate and senators along with a  copy of the Czech Constitution in English. Details of plenary sessions and the bills, international treaties, European legislation and petitions being debated by the Senate can be viewed on the site in Czech only. The site is available in Czech and English.

Constitutional Amendments of 2017: Transition to Presidentialism in Turkey

This article, on the 2017 amendments made to the 1982 Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, is written by Serap Yazici who is Professor of Constitutional Law at Istanbul Sehir University. The article was published in 2017 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author has written an earlier guide entitled ‘Guide to Turkish Public Law and Legal Research’ which focuses on the Constitution itself and amendments adopted between 1987 and 2010 (described in a separate record).

The website is an online gateway providing guidance to Dutch government websites and to information from other public bodies in the Netherlands. There is a comprehensive page of links to the Dutch parliament, government ministries, provinces and municipality websites. There are also direct links to government sites dealing with topics such as immigration, studying in the Netherlands, trade, health and tourism. An outline of how government works in the Netherlands is also given covering the passage of legislation and information on the judicial system.

Netherlands House of Representatives

This is the English language version of the Netherlands House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. The site outlines the role of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Cabinet and provides information on how the Dutch parliament works, how elections are conducted and how bills become law. A separate document outlines the parliamentary rules of procedure. There are also profiles of all MPs and the Speaker and information on the work of the various committees.

Netherlands Senate

This is the English version of the Dutch Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. There is information on the role of the Senate and how the bicameral system works in the Netherlands. The main role of the Senate is to scrutinise bills but the site outlines the other functions the house performs. There is a document setting out the rules of procedure of the Senate and links are given to the rest of the website which can be viewed in Dutch only.

Romanian Chamber of Deputies

Website of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (Camera Deputa ilor) which is the lower house of the Romanian parliament. There is an introduction to how the Chamber of Deputies works with information on the role of the various committees and groups, the Speaker and members and other parliamentary activities. There is a full text copy of the Romanian Constitution. These parts of the site can be viewed in Romanian, English and French. Other sections of the site including parliamentary debates, bill tracking and links to legislation can be viewed in Romanian only.

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