
Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards

The Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards investigates complaints that a councillor has failed to comply with the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors (which sets out the principles and rules of conduct which councillors must observe). The site has guidance aimed at the public on making a complaint and for councillors on the complaints procedure. Details of past and forthcoming Adjudication Hearings are given on the site along with decisions.

Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO)

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) provides a complaints service for members of the public dealing with organisations including government departments and agencies, councils, public housing providers and Health and Social Care Trusts. There is guidance aimed at the public on making a complaint and NIPSO service standards and guidance for public authorities on handling complaints and issuing apologies. A selection of summaries of cases dealt with by NIPSO is given in the online Annual Reports dating from 2012-13.

The Property Ombudsman

The Property Ombudsman provides an impartial service, approved by the UK government, helping consumers who are renting or selling residential property through an estate or property agent. Its website includes information about the scheme can provide, how to use it and how to join. It also includes an agents' section with an FAQ page for aiding estate agents dealing with complaints. There is a news section containing case studies, annual reports and press releases.

Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman

This section of the UK Ministry of Justice website describes the work of the independent Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman. It includes information about making a complaints regarding the appointments process or the handling of matters involving the conduct of judges. Includes information leaflets and a complaints form. There is also a link to the Ombudsman’s latest annual report (under ‘Corporate Reports’), which includes statistics and case studies.

Office of the Ombudsman, Ireland

The Office of the Ombudsman is an Irish statutory body which investigates complaints about the administrative actions of central and local government, the Health Service Executive and An Post (the postal service). Its website makes available annual reports and investigative reports from the 1990s onwards. It also provides summaries of cases dealt with by the Ombudsman, as well as official guidelines and other publications. The site can be viewed in English or Irish.

Office of the Ombudsman, Gibraltar

Website of Gibraltar’s Public Services Ombudsman, who deals with complaints about government departments and agencies. A few Special Reports (reports of cases where injustice has been found) are available on the site, together with the Ombudsman’s annual reports, which include case summaries. A description of the history and work of the Ombudsman is also provided.

Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland

This is the official website of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. who investigates complaints of misconduct, inefficiency and corruption made by the public and police concerning the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The website provides access to information on the role of the Ombudsman and his/her current activities. It includes the text of relevant police legislation and statutory instruments, recent press releases, annual reports and research reports on specific investigations conducted by the body.

Waterways Ombudsman

Website of the Waterways Ombudsman the body that investigates complaints about British Waterways and their subsidiaries once British Waterways’ own complaints procedure has been exhausted. There is information on making a complaint and guidance on how complaints are handled. Annual reports are provided in full text and include summaries of decisions taken by the Waterways Ombudsman. Other documentation, such as standards and policies, is also provided on the site.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

The Parliamentary Ombudsman investigates complaints about the action or inaction of British government departments. They also handle some issues brought by members of the public. Additionally the department performs the role of Health Service Ombudsman, investigating complaints from the public about failures in NHS care and treatment. The website offers a summary of its duties and information for the general public on when to use the ombudsman service and how to make a complaint. An additional feature is the full-text annual reports, investigation reports and consultation documents.

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