
Parlamento Italiano

Official website of the Italian parliament, containing information about its members, functions and the election of a president. The site is published in Italian only. It contains the text of all laws (leggi) from 1996 onwards. These can be browsed by date, by type of act and by subject. Legislation in progress can also be browsed, along with the decreti-leggi currently being considered and decreti-legislativi from 1996 onwards. Reports, agendas and other documents relating to parliamentary proceedings are also provided along with information on the work of parliamentary committees.

Legislative Assembly of Nunavut

Official website of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut province in Canada. The site contains bills, debates and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard), reports of standing committees (in PDF format), and a link to the Nunavut Legislative Library catalogue. The site is published in English and Inuktitut language versions. Some items are also provided in French and Innuinaqtun

Parliament of Finland

This is the website of the parliament of Finland (Suomen Eduskunta). The site provides details of the parliament's history, speakers, committees, parties and the electoral system, alongside information about international cooperation and the parliament's relations with the EU. There is a searchable directory of members of parliament, a collection of statistical data on parliament and a diagram showing the organisation of the Parliamentary Office, depicting the hierarchical relationships between various parliamentary bodies.

Legal system of Finland

This section of the Finnish Ministry of Justice (Oikeusministeri¸) website outlines various aspects of the legal system in Finland. There is historical information giving background to the legal system, identifying its Western and Eastern influences and describing the resulting rule of Law. Links are given to the various state legal authorities including the Chancellor of Justice, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Consumer Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Equality. There is information on the Constitution along with links to full text versions in a range of languages.

Zambian Parliament

Official website of the National Assembly of Zambia, information about parliamentary practice and procedure, committees and members of parliament, together with proceedings and debates, bills, acts and other information.

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