legal systems

ICL - Tunisia Index

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. It provides a quick-reference list of dates relating to development and changes to the Tunisian Constitution. The Constitution is available in English as amended to 1991.

Constitution of Spain

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides an English translation of the 1978 Spanish Constitution, including the August 1992 amendment to Article 13(2). It also provides a quick reference list of dates relating to key dates between 1975 (death of General Franco) and 2000 and links to a small selection of Spanish Government websites.


A portal managed by the Portuguese Ministério da Justiça. Features include a database which allows users to perform searches related to the Portuguese court system and the allocation of cases to the different courts. The service covers different types of court including the Court of First Instance, appeal courts, administrative and regional courts and provides links to their websites and also to those of related government departments. Other resources covered include the court libraries and the Leis da Justiça project managed by the Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ).

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation..

Tribunal da Relação de Évora

Website of the Appeal court of the municipality of Évora, Portugal. The site provides background information about the court and its legal staff. Full-text judgments are made available externally on the site of the Ministry of Justice (DGSI) and a link is provided. The Information section of the site provides a small selection of full-text articles, mainly on aspects of penal/criminal law. All the materials on the site are in Portuguese.

Assembleia da República (AR)

Website of the Portuguese Assembleia Dà Republica. Provides detailed background information about the structure of the Government and the roles of different departments. Users can access the catalogue of the Parliament Library which includes Ebsco Open Access journal titles, mainly in full text. Many of the journals included are English language titles. A Legislative Procedure database allows users to search all legal texts passed by the Republic since October 1991. The main texts of the site are also available in English and French.

Jurist: World Law

The World Law page of the Jurist website offers a set of guides to the legal systems of the world. Each country’s guide covers the Constitution, government and legislation, courts and judgments, human rights, the legal profession and law schools. Links to key websites for each country are also provided. Jurist is a legal education website provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

Law Society of Jersey

The Law Society of Jersey is the governing body for both solicitors and advocates in Jersey. Its website includes a description of the Jersey legal system entitled “The role of the Jersey courts and legal profession”. It also has a guide to making wills in Jersey, the text of the Society’s Code of Conduct, relevant legislation and directories of members.

Overview of the Cambodian history, governance and legal sources

Online guide to the law and legal system of Cambodia written by Jennifer Holligan who is a Legal Associate for Access to Justice Asia and Tarik Abdulhak who is a Senior Assistant Prosecutor at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. The guide was published in 2011 (and updated in 2019 by Victoria Amann-Lasnier and Nicole Fleury) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give an introduction providing historical background to Cambodia.

Introduction to Eritrean legal system and research

Electronic article on the law and legal materials of Eritrea written by Luwam Dirar a J.S.D. candidate at Cornell Law School and Kibrom Tesfagabir who is an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Asmara, Eritrea. The article was published in 2011 (and updated in 2014) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The article focuses on the current post-independence legal system including an outline of the governmental system and describing the role of the National Assembly and the judiciary.

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