legal systems

National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus

Online portal to Belarus legal information provided by the state National Center of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus (NCLI). The site provides an outline of the Belarus legal system and the legislative process. There is government information and news covering Belarus legal developments. Access is also given to the Belarus legislation databank "ETALON" which contains over 12000 legal acts made freely available online in Russian.

Women and criminal justice

Women and Criminal Justice is a journal published by Routledge. It publishes scholarly interdisciplinary and international research, iincluding both qualitative and quantitative studies, for academics and professionals. Tables of contents and abstracts from 1989 onwards are available, and users may register to access a sample copy. Access to full-text articles is for subscribers only, although it is possible to purchase individual issues.

Tran H.N. & Associates

Website of Tran H.N. & Associates a Vietnamese law firm specialising in intellectual property law. The site provides information about the firm's services that also cover the areas of international trade, dispute resolution, tax, investment and business consultancy. The site has brief background information to the legal system in Vietnam mentioning the Constitution and the court system. There is guidance to intellectual property law in Vietnam and advice on registering patents, trademarks, copyright and designs.

Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

This is the official Website of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. This is "the highest judicial authority both in civil and criminal law with the exception of the matters concerning the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic." The whole site is available in Czech, with information about the Court (its history, structure, judges and more) in English and French.

Latvijas Tiesu Portals

This is the Latvia Courts Portal providing online information about the courts and legal systems of the Republic of Latvia. The site features an overview of the courts system, its structure, hierarchy, courts, land registry and finance. Also included is information about the legal system including the workings of the courts and justice institutions and the roles of specific individuals. In addition there is a database of court rulings, a library of normative acts and law journals and an archive of related news. The site is available in Latvian only.

Project Volterra

The website of Project Volterra is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board and is based in the History Department of University College London. The aim of the project is to "promote the study of Roman legislation in its full social, political and legal context". This website provides access to the Project Volterra database containing "basic texts of imperial legal pronouncements, ancient interpretation of that material and reference to modern historical as well as legal commentary".


Chinalawinfo is a subscription database providing Chinese legal information and materials translated into English. The service has been developed by the Legal Information Center at the Peking University Law School. Parts of the website can be accessed freely including Basic Laws which are laws adopted by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee prior to January 1, 2006. An outline of the Chinese legal system, white papers and legal news stories are also made freely available.

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice. The site has an article giving a brief history of the Lithuanian legal system and a list of Ministers of Justice since 1990. Brief information is given on the Ministry's work in various areas including criminal justice, legislative process, consumer rights protection and registration of political parties. There are contact details (including web links) to institutions subordinate to the Ministry such as the Prisons Department, the State Patent Bureau and the Law Institute. The site is available in English and Lithuanian.

Indonesian Legal System: An Overview

Online guide to the Indonesian legal system, by Dr. Benny S. Tablujan, Associate Professor in Business Law at the Nanyang Business School in Singapore. This article was published in the features section of in December 2002. The guide gives background information to the Indonesian government, Constitution, legislation and court system. There is also information relating to the Indonesian legal profession and advice for people researching Indonesian law. (Law Library Resource Xchange) is a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Croatian Legal System and Legal Research

Online guide to the Croatian legal system written by Dunja Kuecking who is head of the Center for Legal Research and Documentation at Intellectio Luris a Croatian legal database, Milivoje Zugic a specialist in land registry law and Marija Glibota a legal information specialist at Intellectio Iuris. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

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