legal research

Kiribati sources of law information

From the Kiribati section of the PACLII database. Authored by Professor Don Paterson, this webpage contains information regarding the legislative history and development of Kiribati, and lists the authoritative sources of legal information for pre-independence laws and post-independence laws, consolidated legislation, legislation held by USP, government gazette, law reports, unreported cases and collected materials.

South Sudan law guide

An annotated research guide to South Sudan government and law internet sources compiled by the US Law Library of Congress and made freely available on the web. The guide is aimed at legal researchers with the emphasis on websites providing the full-text of laws, regulations and court decisions. Areas covered by the guide include the constitution, the executive, legislation, legal guides and general sources including background, economic and country information.

London Institute of Space Policy and Law

The London Institute of Space Policy and Law (ISPL) brings together legal practitioners and academics in the field of space law conducting research and providing educational programs for policy-makers, lawyers, the judiciary, government, administrators and students. The website provides information on projects and events offered by the ISPL along with details of the Advisory Board and Faculty. There is a page of links to other space law and policy resources and organisations worldwide. The ISPL is based in London and is associated with the Institute of Advanced legal Studies.

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases

An online guide to web resources for foreign and international legal research, on the New York University School of Law's Library website. Suggested materials and websites are presented with brief annotations in a series of subject sections. Sections covered topics such as: International law; International Business Transactions; Council of Europe; Environmental law; European Union; Foreign databases by collection and jurisdiction; Human Rights; International Criminal Law; International Organisations; International Treaties, United Nations Constitutional law of the UN.

T.M.C. Asser Institute

Website describing the work and publishing information developed by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, an international legal research centre based at the Hague in the Netherlands, established as an interuniversity organisation. The website outlines the aims and activities of the Institute and presents information about its advice and consultancy services, education programme of seminars and lectures, research projects and cooperative ventures.

European Union Research

An online bibliographic reference and research guide prepared by Jeanne Rehberg, librarian at New York University Law Library responsible for the official depository for European Union documents. In addition to offering guidance on finding and using material in the Law Library, the author provides useful bibliographic details for print materials and identifies web-based resources relating to the EU. Particular issues covered by the guide include: national implementing measures; competition cases and merger decisions; and common foreign and security policy.

Germain's French Law Guide

An online research and resource guide looking at French law and legal materials, published in the features section of LLRX. The guide, written by Claire M. Germain, Edward Cornell Law Librarian and Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, USA, was posted on in August 2001. The guide suggests starting points for research with notes on the history and current system of French law.

English Law

Online research guide covering the English legal system and legal materials, by Goodson Law Library at Duke University in the United States. The guide is intended for American law students and those seeking an overview of English legal publications in print and online formats. 

Columbia Law School Research Guides

A series of International, Comparative and Foreign Law Web guides prepared by Silke Sahl, International, Comparative and Foreign Law Librarian at the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School, New York, USA. Each guide is presented in HTML format and suggests relevant legal research resources with bibliographic details, local library locations and website addresses. The guides cover topics such as: Treaty Research; the United Nations; Researching Public International law; and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

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