legal research

Japanese Law and Government

Website presenting links to Japanese legal resources maintained by the School of Law, Tohoku University in Japan. The pages are in English but include links to resources which are available in Japanese only. The resources are listed under the following headings: Japanese law; legal publishers; law journals; law schools; legal organisations; links to legal scholars; research institutes; government and university sites.

Practical Law

Practical Law is a Thomson Reuters subscription database providing a range of resources for lawyers, including contracts, toolkits, documents, practice notes and training materials. A wide range of practice areas are covered including construction, banking, employment, environmental, intellectual property and tax law.


Lawtel is a fee based current awareness services, part of Thomson Reuters. Lawtel monitors and provides current information on UK and EU case law, legislation and journal articles. Lawtel provides a range of services including Lawtel Precendents giving access to commercial law, commercial property and employment precedents and the Lawtel FirstPoint service providing checklists, guidance and commentary on key property and commercial law issues.

Amicus Curiae

Amicus Curiae is the official journal of both the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. It aims to promote scholarship and research that involves academics, the legal profession and those engaged in the administration of law. The journal began publication in 1997. The print version is published 6 times a year by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (formerly by Sweet and Maxwell). The website includes tables of contents, notes for authors and information concerning the Society for Advanced Legal Studies.


A comprehensive US-centred site indexing and linking to online legal resources aimed at legal professionals and the public. The service is freely available on the internet. Legal information and links to resources for the public are arranged under the following broad headings: accidents and injuries; bankruptcy and debt; car accidents; civil rights; criminal law; dangerous products; family law; employee's rights; estate planning and probate; immigration law; intellectual property; real estate; small businesses and taxation. Information is broken down into further sub categories.

Hieros Gamos

Hieros Gamos is a comprehensive legal site providing access to United States law and to legal and government resources in 230 countries. There are directories of law firms worldwide and to many other US based legal professionals including experts and court reporters. Resources are organised thematically including sections dealing with legal careers, students, professional organisations, legal publications and the practice of law. The Law Business Center has links to information resources covering e-commerce, business finance and starting a business.

Centre de Recherche en Droit Public

Website of the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP) at the Faculty of Law at University of Montreal. Legal research at the CRDP is focused on Quebec law and government and the site provides background information, profiles of researchers and details of research projects being undertaken. Publications produced by the Centre are freely provided online either in full text or with bibliographic details. Copies of Lex Electronica, the CRDP journal, can be downloaded in full text (French only). The site can be viewed in French and English.

A Description of the Structure of the Hellenic Republic, the Greek Legal System, and Legal Research

Online resource guide to researching Greek law written by Maria Panezi who is a Ph.D. candidate and a Nathanson Fellow at Osgoode Hall Law School. The guide was published in 2006 and updated in 2021 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives background information on Greece and an outline of the system of government covering the legislative, executive and judicial branches and including a list of links to government Websites.

An Introduction to Sources for Treaty Research

Electronic guide to the resources available for researching treaties, by Mark Engsberg, Foreign and International Law Librarian at Yale's Lillian Goldman Law Library. The guide was published in 2006 (and updated in 2021) on the Globalex Website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author identifies the tools available for researching both bilateral and multilateral treaties. There is an introduction to treaties and international agreements and an explanation of commonly used terms.

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