China Law and Policy
An informal blog by Elizabeth Lynch, an attorney who focuses on legal development and reform in China. Features regular commentary on recent changes and podcasts of interviews and discussion with academics and professionals.
An informal blog by Elizabeth Lynch, an attorney who focuses on legal development and reform in China. Features regular commentary on recent changes and podcasts of interviews and discussion with academics and professionals.
Founded in 1909 and based in Italy, the Association links academics from many countries with an interest in philosophy of law. The site contains background and organisational information about the IVR including full text copies of the IVR's constitution and procedural rules. There is information on IVR conferences and contact details of the national sections. The site hosts archives in English of the twice-yearly IVR Newsletter, including conference reports and announcements.
The Links ('Liens') page on the website of the French Senate offers links to French legislation, the courts of France and jurisprudence, French local authorities, European law, political parties represented in the Senate, and international institutions. Among the legislation links are the full-text of the Constitution, the Journal Officiel and the consolidated texts of major legislation. The courts links include the Cour de Cassation, le Conseil d'Etat and the Cour des Comptes.
The IISL was founded in 1988. It is associated with many European and Non-European universities as well as an international network of sociologists of law. The Institute offers courses in the sociology of law and the website gives details of conferences and seminars. There are details of publications and an online library catalogue with details of books, journal articles and unpublished materials. A selection of articles and papers are free to download from the site.
The Centre for Law and Society is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh. Established in 1983, it researches criminology and legal theory. The website gives details of the Centre's publications, seminars and current areas of research. There is also information about postgraduate courses, conferences and the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime Project.
The Journal of Law and Religion is an international, interdisciplinary forum committed to studying law in its social context, including moral and religious views of law and life.
The Rutgers Law Journal is the law review for the Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, USA and is edited by second and third year students. Each annual volume of the Law Journal comprises 4 issues, with each issue containing a collection of articles, notes, book reviews, development pieces and comments. Articles concentrate on current and interesting legal scholarship as well as some interdisciplinary topics of particular interest to the legal community. A special annual issue on State Constitutional Law under the supervision of Professor Robert F.
The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.
Theoretical Inquiries in Law is an academic legal journal providing a forum for the analysis of law and law-related subjects. The website is part of the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) service which aims to offer a swift and streamlined publication process for authors, reviewers and readers in the field of legal publishing. The Cegla Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, University Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv publishes the printed journal twice a year in January and July.
One of a series of guides to online primary resources for Western European history, compiled by Richard Hacken, European Studies bibliographer at Brigham Young University, Utah. The resources linked to are mainly transcriptions, facsimiles and translations listed chronologically, which illuminate the political, economic, social or cultural implications of important historical events.