islamic law

Islamic Family Law Project

The Islamic Family Law Project website is based at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The Project surveyed the application of Islamic family law in a selection of countries and explored the possibilities for reform. A regional breakdown of Islamic countries around the world is given on the site, with a profile of each region consisting of historical and religious background, family issues, legal practices and institutions and a list of references.

Researching Islamic law: Malaysian sources

Online guide to Islamic law in Malaysia, by Shaikh Mohamed Noordin, a law librarian based in Kuala Lumpur. The guide was published in 2009 (and updated in 2021) on New York University's Globalex website. It covers the establishment of Islamic law in Malaysia and the Islamic law tradition. There is a section on sources of Islamic law and examples of Malaysian legislation, focusing on Islamic family law, procedural law, criminal law and financial law.

Sharia Implementation in Northern Nigeria 1999-2006: A Sourcebook

Web version of "Sharia Implementation in Northern Nigeria 1999-2006: A Sourcebook", by Philip Ostien. The book was published by Spectrum Books in 2007 and provided here on the website of the University of Bayreuth in Germany. The book is arranged into five volumes with the following headings: historical background; Sharia Implementation Committee reports and related white papers; sanitizing society; Sharia penal and criminal procedure codes and two famous cases. Each section is subdivided into chapters.

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