international trade

World Trade Organization Documents Online

Online database of World Trade Organization (WTO) and GATT official documents, including official records of committees and other WTO bodies, legal texts and agreements, background papers, sessions of the Ministerial Conference and papers from conferences and seminars. Detailed search facilities are available and documents can be browsed by subject or meeting. It is also possible to browse the most recent or most popular material on the database.

Hertfordshire Law Journal

The Hertfordshire Law Journal (HLJ) is published twice yearly by the University of Hertfordshire's Centre for International Law and is made available on their website for free. The HLJ was launched in 2002 and focuses on international commercial law and policy. It is aimed at academics, practitioners and those in the business community.

World Trade Organization

WTO research guide compiled by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Gives a brief introduction to the WTO, a bibliography and links to blogs and other web resources. Also mentions relevant databases. The guide is primarily intended for users of the Peace Palace Library, so it focuses on print and online material available at the Library; however, the information is also of interest to other researchers. The guide is in English.

Journal of International Economic Law

Web pages of the Journal of International Economic Law, which is published by Oxford University Press (OUP). The site provides free access to contents and abstracts and subscribers can read full-text articles dating from 1998 onwards. The journal is aimed at scholars, government officials and legal professionals and includes editorials, articles, book reviews and notes. The journal looks at legal issues relating to international economic activity.

World Trade Law is a US-based information service produced by former international trade lawyers Simon Lester and Kara Leitner, providing access to both free and subscription resources. Free aspects of the site include full-text World Trade Organization (WTO) documents along with agreements of the Uruguay Round and Tokyo Round. There are WTO Appellate Body Reports, WTO Panel Reports and GATT Panel Reports, documents concerning WTO negotiating history, a selection of trade articles and links to related sites.

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is is a Montreal-based independent research and media group of progressive writers, academics and activists who are critical of globalisation and the New World Order. In their view, globalisation and war are connected and lead to a concentration of private wealth. This site exposes the activities of global banks, financial institutions and multinationals. There are articles on the latest news events. There are archives of earlier news articles and links to other websites with similar sympathies to CRG.

National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

Website of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (NLCIFT) a non-profit research organisation affiliated to the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. The aim of NLCIFT is "to develop the legal infrastructure necessary to facilitate the movement of goods, services and investment capital in the Western Hemisphere." The NLCIFT carries out research into the commercial laws and practices of countries in the Western Hemisphere with the aim of harmonising and standardising the legal infrastructure and eliminating the barriers to free trade.

Great Britain-China Centre

The Great Britain-China Centre exists to promote understanding between Britain and China, focusing in particular on legal and judicial reform. The website has information on projects dealing with human rights reporting, the police, judicial studies training and the death penalty. The Centre's journal, the China Review, is available on the site from 2006 onwards.

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database

APEC is a forum for the promotion of open trade and economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The APEC Competition Policy and Law Database is a free resource; it includes members' competition policies and laws, competition decision guidelines, administrative and judicial decisions, international agreements, statistics and other information. A collection of links to official trade and competition websites is also provided.

Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration

Website of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), a non profit organisation providing services to resolve and prevent regional and international trade and investment disputes, with a particular emphasis on the economic development of African and Asian countries. The site carries information about CRCICA history, objectives and services, alongside an explanation of the rules governing the composition of its panel of arbitrators and experts.

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