international commercial arbitration

Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

Website of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC Institute), an organisation established in 1917 to provide a neutral centre for the resolution of international trade disputes. The site offers an overview of the Institute's work and full details of its arbitration procedure, model clauses and rules, including rules for expedited arbitrations, insurance arbitration rules, rules of the Mediation Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and SCC procedures and services under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules.

Singapore International Arbitration Centre

Website of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), a non-profit organisation established in 1991. Gives an overview of SIAC's services, procedures and charges. It also provides profiles of selected SIAC cases, statistics, SIAC's arbitration rules and model arbitration clauses. There is also a guide to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, together with various IBA arbitration guides. The Singapore Arbitrator newsletter is available free, from September 2004 onwards, and there is an online bookshop.


Website of Cepani, the Belgian Center for Arbitration and Mediation, originally founded by the International Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Belgian Companies. The site provides organisational information relating to the Center along with details of activities and study groups. There are sections covering Cepani's work in arbitration, mediation and domain name disputes including procedural information, Cepani's rules and relevant sections of the Belgian Judicial Code. Decisions of domain name disputes Cepani has been involved with can be downloaded from the site.

UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings

Guidance notes on organising arbitral proceedings produced by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and published on its website. UNCITRAL is a core legal body of the UN in the field of international trade law, working towards the progressive harmonisation of the law of international trade. These non-binding guidance notes were drafted in consultation with experts from various legal systems, national arbitration bodies and international professional associations and finalised at the twenty-ninth session of UNCITRAL (New York, 28 May - 14 June 1996).

Update to international commercial arbitration: locating the resources

A bibliographic resource guide presenting commentary and links to legal information sources for International Commercial Arbitration. The guide has been prepared by Jean M. Wenger, the Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, Chicago, USA. The guide helps locate useful literature and resources; online library catalogues and bibliographies; specialist journals; online subscription services; and selected free web-based materials.

Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law

The Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law is a centre of the New York University School of Law established to "advance the study and practice of international business transactions and the way to solve related disputes either through litigation or arbitration". The site has profiles of faculty and staff and details of courses and events hosted by the Center. Publications of the Center cover the following topics: private international law, international commercial law, international commercial arbitration and transnational civil litigation.

International Council for Commercial Arbitration

Website of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), an international NGO concerned with the promotion of arbitration, conciliation and other methods of resolving international commercial disputes. The ICCA contributes to preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The main publication of the ICCA is the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration; contents lists and indexes from the Yearbook are available on the website.


Website of Trans-lex a legal research tool for transnational law developed by the Center for Transnational Law (CENTRAL) at the University of Cologne in Germany. The site is made freely available online and contains four sections: Biblio; Principles; Materials and Links. The Biblio section is a collection of bibliographic references to publications on transnational law.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Commercial Arbitration

An online guide to electronic resources for international commercial arbitration, offering commentary and links. The guide forms a chapter of the American Society of International Law's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. Originally written by Charlotte Bynum, Reference Librarian at Tulane Law Library, it was been updated in 2015 by Gloria Miccioli, Librarian at US law firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips.

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