
Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University

The Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) is part of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and affiliated with the Law Center at Georgetown University. The ISIM is engaged in research and teaching covering all areas of international migration, U.S. immigration and refugee law and policy. The site has details of academic programmes and training courses and outlines of current research projects. A list of ISIM publications can be viewed by author or topic and a selection of articles and working papers are made freely available in full-text.

UK Border Agency

The Border and Immigration Agency, ( formerly The Immigration and Nationality Directorate) is an executive agency of the Home Office. Its function is to control borders and manage immigration to the UK. Its website provides government press releases, legislation, statistical data and research reports.

United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal decisions

A BAILII database containing reported and starred decisions from the UK Immigration Appeal Tribunal (UKIAT). Cases are anonymised and made available from 2000 onwards including a selection of earlier decisions. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility. The index page contains an explanation of the UKIAT's reporting and publishing practice. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

American Immigration Council

The American Immigration Council (formerly the American Immigration Law Foundation) which was founded in 1987 and is based in Washington DC in the United States. Full text copies of the AILF's monthly newsletter are given on the site back to 1999 along with a selection of policy reports on American Immigration. The Legal Action Center provides information aimed at lawyers involved with immigration litigation including practice advisories (practical guides to certain aspects of immigration law), briefs and other legal resources.

Donde esta la justica?: a call to action on behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the U.S. justice system

This is the 7th report (2003) by the Building Blocks for Youth alliance, which aims to protect minority youth, who are over-represented in the US justice system and receive harsher treatment than white people for the same offences. Recommendations are made to all those involved with Latino and Latina youth with the aim of resolving these problems. The document is available on the website of the Open Society Foundation.

Citizens Advice

Website provides information for the UK general public on law and rights relating to privacy, benefits, housing, employment, debt, consumer protection, immigration and other topics. It is produced by Citizens Advice. Where appropriate, users are clearly directed to additional sources of expert advice, so that they can find further help on questions. The site is in Welsh and English.


The website of Eurasylum, a company established in April 2001 which conducts research and consultancy for government departments, judicial bodies, international organisations and NGO's in the areas of immigration and asylum policy. The website provides general information about the company, links to a range of news sources covering immigration and asylum issues, organisations providing courses and training on refugee and immigration law and conference information.

Refugee Review Tribunal Decisions

An AustLII database featuring the full-text of published decisions of the Refugee Review Tribunal in Australia. The system offers a comprehensive search facility, case name search, and recent decisions listing. Data is supplied by the Tribunal in a format edited to protect the privacy of applicants and their relatives. All decisions from 1985 - 1st June 1999 are published. After that date only selected key decisions are published by the Tribunal.

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