
Department of Health

The UK Department of Health website contains the latest health news, links to local National Health Service (NHS) information, online advice about health (NHS Direct Online), and links to other websites. There are sections containing publications and statistics, health policy, procurement, and consultations.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Website of the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) the independent inspectorate and regulator of healthcare in Wales. The HIW is part of the Welsh Assembly Government and has responsibility for reviewing and inspecting NHS and independent healthcare organisations. The site has HIW publications including reviews, inspection reports and corporate documents which can be downloaded in full text along with links to related legislation.

National Senior Citizens Law Center

Website of the National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) an advocacy, litigation and training group based in Washington DC working on behalf of low income elderly and disabled people. The site has background information on key issues and cases the NSCLC is involved with covering the areas of federal rights, Medicaid, long-term care and income security. Each section has articles, news items, cases and case commentaries. NSCLC also publish a range of consumer publications on Medicare and nursing homes, details of which are given on the site.

National Health Law Program

The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) describes itself as a "national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities." The website has sections covering child health, Medicaid, Medicare, health disparities, reproductive health and rights and government accountability. The sections include links to relevant organisations, reports, decisions, news and policy documents.

Dalhousie Health Justice Institute

Internet site providing general information on the aims and work of the Dalhousie Health Justice Institute at Dalhousie University - an interdisciplinary Institute of the Faculties of Law, Medicine, Health Professions, and Dentistry with a focus on health law and policy. The site also provides descriptions of health law and policy programmes and courses provided in Dalhousie University, details of the Institute's projects and links to related websites. Full text annual reports from 1996-7 onwards can be downloaded from the site.

The British Safety Council

The British Safety Council is concerned with occupational health and safety. It works with companies in the UK and worldwide, to develop safe systems of work. The British Safety Council provides consultancy for the Health and Safety Executive and has campaigned for much UK health and safety legislation. The website has information about the organisation's many campaigns and details of training courses offered.

State legislation on comprehensive health care coverage

Online guide to selected legislation in the US states of Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont which attempts to provide comprehensive health care coverage for all residents. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The introduction gives an outline of the healthcare system in the United States and of the approaches taken by Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont.


Disease-i is a subscription website provided by Weightmans, a UK-based firm of solicitors. The site is intended for lawyers dealing with disease claims and provides guidance and background information on a range of related issues. The section headed Legal Principles covers the existence of a duty of care, forseeability, causation and contributory negligence. Other legal topics include insurance histories and coverage, limitation and quantum.

Malcomson Law

Malcomson Law is an Irish law firm specialising in health law: medical and clinical negligence, pharmaceutical litigation, misdiagnosis and public and private inquiries. Background information and case studies are provided on their website, together news, links and other information.

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