health and safety at work

Fieldfisher: Personal Injury: Mesothelioma Claims

Asbestos Claims forms part of the Field Fisher Waterhouse (FFW) Personal Injury website. FFW are a London based law firm who act on behalf of asbestos disease claimants. The site includes summaries of leading asbestos cases FFW have been involved with. Publications on the site include full-text copies of the firm's newsletter, Asbestos News in PDF format and client guides on relevant topics.


WorkSMART is a free online advice guide to employment rights produced by the Trades Union Congress (TUC). The website deals with employment rights providing FAQ's covering a range of areas including contracts, pensions, tax, discipline, discrimination and training. The section dealing with health at work covers all aspects of health and safety at work including stress, bullying, occupational health and disability rights. There is a 'union finder' on the website which allows you to search for trade unions by employer or sector.


Disease-i is a subscription website provided by Weightmans, a UK-based firm of solicitors. The site is intended for lawyers dealing with disease claims and provides guidance and background information on a range of related issues. The section headed Legal Principles covers the existence of a duty of care, forseeability, causation and contributory negligence. Other legal topics include insurance histories and coverage, limitation and quantum.

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