heads of state

Presidence de la Republique du Cameroun

This is the official website of the President of the Republic of Cameroon. It provides access to a biography of the current incumbent and details of their recent activities. The latter includes news of official engagements, press releases and communiques which cover current economic, social, political and foreign policy. Also accessible are recent issues of Le Magasin du Palais which describe recent political events. Users should note that currently most information is offered in French only.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Portal to official information about the Principality of Liechtenstein. It provides information on the history of the region and the current composition, structure and functions of its government. This includes a listing of all members of the government, descriptions of the work of the Parliament (Diet), and a chronological history and current biographies of the royal family. Some information is also available about foreign relations and the relationship between Liechtenstein and the European Union and other international entities. This site is available in German or English.

President of the Republic of Montenegro

This is the official website of the President of Montenegro. The English language version of the site provides information on the role and function of the President as well as details of his/her recent activities. It includes recent press releases, transcripts of political speeches and interviews and some biographical information. Users are also provided with gateways covering Montenegro and other state embassies.

President of the Republic of North Macedonia

This is the official website of the President of Macedonia (FYROM). The English language version of the site includes information on the role and recent activities of the current president. It also contains brief biographies of previous incumbents. It is possible to access recent press releases, statements, political speech transcripts, interviews and the full-text of the constitution from the site. All aspects of Macedonia's domestic and foreign policy are covered.

President of the Republic of Bulgaria

This is the official website of the President of Bulgaria. It is available in English or Bulgarian language versions. The English language site offers information on the function of the president and his/her current activities. It includes a biography of the current president, plus access to recent press releases, articles, statements and speeches. Information about the vice-president is also accessible. All aspects of foreign and domestic policy are covered.

President of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the President of the Republic of Lithuania The site provides a profile of the President and first lady. There is information about the President's activities including copies of speeches, press releases, interviews and details of visits. The site has background information to the legal framework of the Presidency which covers the election of the president, the powers of the president and the presidential household. The site also includes historical information and photographs of the Presidential Palace. The site is available in Lithuanian and English.

Ured Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Croatian President. The site has a profile of the President along with a collection of his speeches and news items relating to the President's official activities. There is information on the role of the President as set down in the Croatian Constitution and contact details for the President's advisers.This site is also available in Croatian.

President's Office of the Republic of the Maldives

This is the official website of the President of the Maldives. It includes some background information on the role of the president in the government of the region, plus a biography of the current incumbent. Users can also access recent press releass, policy documents, films and transcripts of some important speeches. These cover all aspects of the social, economic, political and foreign policy of the Maldives. Links are provided to other government websites.

Prime Minister's Office: Faroe Islands

Website of the Prime Minister's Office of the Faroe Islands. Includes information on the role of the Prime Minister, details of previous Prime Ministers, and information about the current Prime Minister and other members of the government. The site provides background information on the government, politics, industry, language and culture of the Faroes. A selection of government papers can be found on the site along with press releases and links to other Faroese websites. The site can be viewed in English or Faroese.

Lincoln and the Law

Online guide providing access to legal materials relating to Abraham Lincoln and his involvement with the law. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The first section covers his role as an Illinois lawyer and includes digitised versions of books about Abraham Lincoln, lectures and minutes of meetings of the Law Association of Philadelphia.

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