heads of state

Representació de S.E. El Copríncep Francés

Website of the French co-prince of Andorra. The French president and the bishop of Urgell act as joint heads of state of the principality. This site gives contact details for the current representatives of the president, a history of Andorra and a list of the French co-princes back to the fourteenth century. There is a full text copy of the Constitution of Andorra and an outline of the functions of the co-princes. The site can be viewed in French or Catalan only.

Bisbat d'Urgell

Website of the bishop of Urgell who is the episcopal co-prince of Andorra. The French president and the bishop of Urgell act as joint heads of state of the principality. The site gives an outline of the role of the co-princes along with brief information on the Constitution, General Council and the government. The site can be viewed in Catalan or Spanish only.

American Presidency Project

Online archive of US presidential documents, election documents and data, and audio visual material. Includes executive orders, proclamations, State of the Union addresses and messages, inaugural addresses, addresses to Congress, press conference material, veto messages, party convention addresses, election debates and other resources. The archive is hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and covers the period from 1789 to the present.

Compilation of Presidential Documents

Collection of US presidential documents on the official Federal Digital System website, arranged by year, 1992 onwards. Includes proclamations, executive orders, speeches, statements, details of acts approved by the President, and other material. To search, follow the ‘Search Government Publications’ link, open Advanced Search and select ‘Compilation of Presidential Documents’.

Government of Romania

The official website of the Romanian government provides biographies of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers and information on how the government is organised. The site explains the legislative process in Romania and includes information on the government’s programme and key policies for 2013 to 2016. News and events information is also provided.The site can be viewed in Romanian, French and English.

President of the Slovak Republic

Official website of the Slovak President providing biographical information about the President and the First Lady. There is information on the role of the President along with details of his visits and speeches. The site has the names of other members of the government, links to government departments and a brief history of Slovakia. The site can be viewed in Slovakian and English.

President of Estonia

Official website of the president of Estonia, available in Estonian, English and Russian. Contains an archive of presidential speeches and addresses, and press releases pertaining to the president. Also contains information about the office and duties of the president, previous heads of state, the full text of the constitution and the declaration of independence, and recipients of Estonian state decorations. All information can be browsed from the home page, where there is also a very limited search function.

President of Azerbaijan

The official website of the President of Azerbaijan, providing information on Presidential duties and schedules and news of the President. It has a history of the country and the text of the constitution, in the section entitled "Azerbaijan". The structure of the administration is also listed. The site has a section headed "Documents", containing letters, decrees, orders, addresses, declarations, statements and laws, which are kept up-to-date. The site is available in Azeri, English and Russian.

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