
Kingdom of Bahrain

This is the official website of the government of Bahrain. It provides links to all the ministries and government agencies on the web. Also accessible is recent news and basic statistics on health, the economy, budgets, elections and censuses in the region. Other features of the site include the full text of the constitution and information about the monarchy and members of the ruling royal family. The site can be viewed in Arabic and English.

Government of Armenia

This is the official gateway to Armenian government information on the internet. It provides information and background on the Prime Minister, the structure of government and details of government strategies and programmes. There are links to all the government departments, ministries and agencies. It also gives access to general information about Armenia and to recent official press releases. The site can be viewed in Russian, Armenian and English.

Journal de Monaco

Online version of the official bulletin of Monaco made freely available on the Principality's official government Website. The journal is published weekly and contains the text of legislative materials including laws, ordinances, decrees and legal announcements. The site presents the journal from April 1998 onwards to date offering a facility to browse issues by date, subject topic or by type of document or legal instrument. A search form for free-text keyword queries is also provided.

DocLaw Web

DocLaw is a gateway to US Federal government resources and other governmental materials on the internet, provided by the School of Law at Washburn University in Kansas. Documents and links are arranged on the site primarily by subject, federal agency or government department. Additional pages of links are available via the "Choose Destination" drop-down menu: legislative materials, primary law, reference sites and research guides.

State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project

The State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program is a project of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. The Program was established in 1996 to conduct research into the government, politics and causes of political crises in the Pacific Islands including Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Fiji. The site provides background details on the purpose of the project and access to full-text working papers and conference papers relating to it.

Fiji Government Portal

The Portal is the electronics communication platform of the Fiji Government. It serves as a convenient launch pad for you to locate information about the Fiji Government - such as news and policy information, events calendar and contact information of public service agencies. Government decrees and gazettes, budget documentation and discussion papers are also available to search and browse. The Portal is administered by the Ministry of Information, who regularly check it for currency, and it is freely available online.

States of Guernsey Government

The States of Guernsey is the official legislative and governing body of the Island of Guernsey and the other inhabited Channel Islands of Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou, Brecqhou and Lihou. The site's Social Security and Income Tax pages include relevant legislation. Official publications, such as consultation papers, are available on the general Government page and the departmental pages. The About Guernsey section has a description of the parliamentary system. Press releases are also available on the site.

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : US Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873

A collection of historical documents presented by the Library of Congress, recording the construction and development of the United States of America. The documents provide a record of American history in the words of those who built the government. Titles in the collection concerned with the Constitutional Congress and the Constitutional Convention include: Journals of the Continental Congress, Eliot's Debates and Farrand's Record. Statutes and Documents include: Statutes at Large and the US Serial Set.

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