government departments

Northern Territory Attorney General’s Department

Website of the Attorney General’s Department of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. The Department covers the NT courts, tribunals, correctional services, regulatory services and the Director of Public Prosecutions. The site gives links to the court websites which include daily lists and decisions. There are justice publications, information on the work of the NT Law Reform Committee and information aimed at legal practitioners.

Attorney General’s Chambers of St Lucia

Website of the Attorney General of St Lucia, the principal legal advisor to the Government. The Attorney General’s Chambers includes the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property, the Legislative Drafting Unit and the Advice and Litigation Department. The site has information on all the functions and an organisational structure of the department. The Attorney General is also responsible for the revision, consolidation and publication of laws and the Revised Laws of St Lucia (2021) can be viewed in full text on the site.

Vietnam Ministry of Justice

Website of the Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The site gives information on the role of the Ministry, its organisational structure and profiles of the ministers. There are news items outlining the activities of the MOJ including legal developments and international legal pursuits. The site can be viewed in English and Vietnamese.

Office of the State Advocate

Website of the Office of the State Advocate, an agency of the Maltese government, which acts as principal advisor to Government in matters of law and legal opinion. There is information on the role of the State Advocate, profiles of the legal officers and news items. The site can be viewed in English and Maltese. 

Attorney General’s Office of Mauritius

The Attorney General's Office website has information about the role of the Attorney General, services provided and the functions of other office holders within the department. Ethics codes for barristers and attorneys working in Mauritius are given along with links to other Mauritian legal websites. Laws of Mauritius can be viewed including the Constitution, acts revised to 2017 and recent acts as passed. Recent bills are also available. 

Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive

The Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) is hosted by Queen's University Belfast. The library at Queen’s is a depository for printed official publications and, since 2015, has focused on the creation of a digital archive of Northern Ireland official publications covering current and previous ministerial departments, independent bodies and other organisations. There’s a description of each department along with their associated agencies and a list of the publications collected. Full text documents are presented in PDF.

Monegasque Cooperation for Development

This site provides information on Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation and the principality’s international development policy. Details of flagship projects are given and there is a searchable map showing where project assistance is targeted. Newsletters, occasional publications and a selection of links are also given. The site can be viewed in English and French.

Ministry of Justice of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Official website of the Afghanistan Ministry of Justice (MOJ). There is background information about the MOJ, its role and history, and biographical information about the Justice Minister. A copy of the current constitution is given in English with previous constitutions (back to 1964) available in Dari. A database of Afghanistan laws and copies of the Official Gazette are also provided. The site can be viewed in Dari, Pashto and English.  

Netherlands Government

This is the English version of the Dutch government website. There is information organised by a wide range of topics including human rights, Dutch nationality, treaties, housing, police and education. These headings provide access to policy information and links to the relevant ministry. Information about the various government ministries includes profiles of key personnel, how the ministry is organised, details of policy areas covered and documents concerning the work of the ministry eg. forms, fact sheets and reports.

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