
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) which was established by the United Nations Security Council in 1995 to prosecute those responsible for the genocide that took place in Rwanda during 1994. The ICTR closed in 2015. There is background information and a timeline to the genocide. Selected documents relating to each trial, including indictments, judgements and transcripts, are given in PDF.

International Crimes Database (ICD)

ICD is a database of more than 600 international criminal law cases from international, hybrid and municipal courts, from 1946 to the present day. It is accompanied on the website by news, academic articles, working papers and other information. Each case record in the database includes a summary, the procedural history, a link to the judgment, references to commentary, lists of instruments cited, details of related cases and so on.


Aegis campaigns against genocide and crimes against humanity. It is a registered charity in the UK and US and a registered NGO in Rwanda. The Aegis website describes its work and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications, in pdf format. It also has a News page.

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect was established in 2008 by the International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam International, Refugees International and WFM-Institute for Global Policy. The work of the Centre is focused on the new international norm, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which refers to protection of populations against genocide and other large-scale atrocities. The work of the Centre includes advocacy, research designed to further understanding of R2P and helping states to build capacity.

Genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity- a digest of the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Online (PDF) version of a report published by Human Rights Watch which provides a digest of judgements of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The digest is organised by subject including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, individual responsibility, command responsibility and fair trial requirements and includes judgements available up to the end of 2008.

Genocide Watch

Web pages of Genocide Watch, a non-governmental organisation based in Canada. Genocide Watch seeks to confront and counteract acts of gender-selective mass killing, such as female infanticide, by raising public awareness, doing research and producing educational resources. Several case studies are available on the site, giving background information, some maps, photographs and accounts of cases of gendercide in Kossovo, Srebrenica, Rwanda, Montreal, maternal mortality and female infanticide, among others.

Erasing history: ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (1999)

This site contains the full-text of a report released by the US Department of State in May 1999. It provides a chronology of the nature and extent of war crimes in the region after the departure of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission which had previously made regular human rights reports. Information available includes details of the extent of the atrocities, their location and type, covering such forms as detention, execution, rape and looting.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) is the primary NGO provider of online information about the International Criminal Court. There is a link to the International Criminal Court (ICC) website detailing stages in its implementation. The site provides organisational, historical and general information on the ICC along with details of updates and developments, current cases and situations.There are documents from the United Nations, governments and non-governmental organizations accessible on the site.

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - (ICTY)

The ICTY was established by a United Nations Security Council Resolution in May 1993 to prosecute persons responsible for violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991. Its website contains legal documents relating to the operation of the Tribunal including the rules of procedure and regulations of conduct. It also contains details of all the cases tried by the tribunal, including the full-text of the initial indictments, data on the progress of the case and some transcripts.

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