european union

European Aviation Safety Agency

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a regulatory agency of the European Union whose role is to maintain and improve aviation safety in Europe. The website explains the EASA's structure and functions and gives information about its activities in the fields of rulemaking, certification, maintenance, environmental protection, Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and procurement. EASA documentation is available, including Opinions and Decisions. The site also has proceedings from Management Board meetings.

The IBA International Anti-Money Laundering Forum: the Lawyer's Guide to Legislation and Compliance

This International Bar Association (IBA) website is a discussion forum and source of information for lawyers working in the anti-money laundering field. It provides an introduction to the subject of anti-money laundering, together with outlines of anti-money laundering regimes worldwide. There is an implementation chart for the EU's Third Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC) and another chart shows which countries of the world have anti-money laundering legislation applying to lawyers. The Reading Room section provides articles, news, book reviews and other information.

IP Justice

IP Justice (IPJ) is a California based non-profit organisation that "promotes balanced intellectual property law". The website provides background information about the organisation including the 'Principles of IP Justice', profiles of directors and press releases. IPJ's publications are made freely available on the site in full-text in a range of formats.

Archive of European Integration

The Archive of European Integration (AEI), maintained by the University of Pittsburgh, is an online repository of documents relating to the development of the European Union. It consists of EU official documents - such as green and white papers, treaties and reports - and independently-published materials such as conference papers, working papers and journal articles. The Archive can be searched by keyword, or browsed by topic, year, or document number.

Draft EU Convention: Full documentation Vols I & II and explanatory reports on amendments

Text of the Convention on the Future of Europe's ultimately unsuccessful European Union constitutional treaty, with related documents, on the website of Statewatch, an organisation devoted to investigative journalism and critical research in Europe in the fields of the state, justice and home affairs, civil liberties, accountability and openness. The site provides the text of the draft treaty, explanatory notes and details of amendments. In addition there are critiques and commentary from Statewatch. The site is in English.

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

This section of the European Parliament's website contains the full text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union with detailed commentary on each chapter. Links are provided to relevant national, international and EU laws. Annexes contain reports by independent experts on the safeguarding of fundamental rights in Europe; UN and Council of Europe conventions; and a list of NGOs involved in the field of fundamental rights.

Does the European Union Have a Constitution? Does It Need One?

Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 5/2000 by Jean-Claude Piris, published on the website of New York University Law School's Jean Monnet Centre for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice. The paper discusses constitutional issues relating to the European Union. This includes an examination of whether the founding treaties of the EU constitute a 'constitution' and how they could be strengthened.

Vabariigi Valitsus

This is the official website of the Estonian Government. The site includes details of the Cabinet of ministers, their biographies and areas of activity, and news and press releases. Also included are details of current activities, including plans and projects, mission and priorities, economic and foreign policy, and Estonia's relations with NATO and its membership of the EU.

Competition Law Scholars Forum

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) was established in 2002 with the aim of promoting scholarship in the field of competition law. The website includes information about the aims and objectives of CLaSF and membership details. There is information about workshops organised by ClaSF and other events relevant to competition law. The site also has contact details for forum members and a copy of the constitution. A series of working papers can be downloaded from the site.

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