european commission

Interinstitutional register of delegated acts

Online register tracking the progress of EU delegated acts (a type of subsidiary legislation) and providing access to associated documents. Users can search planned delegated acts to see which procedural stage has been reached and download associated documents, such as draft delegated acts, meeting agendas and meeting minutes; search results can be filtered by policy area, status and other criteria. A list of delegated acts is also available, together with a list of the legislative acts to which they relate; these can also be filtered.

Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities

Searchable directory cover the groups of experts and similar bodies that are involved in the preparation of EU policy initiatives, legislative proposals and delegated / implementing acts. There are basic and advanced search facilities and for each group the register gives basic details, documents and other information. The Register is provided by the European Commission. It is accompanied by a meeting schedule, news items and background information about the use of expert groups by the EU.

Register of Commission Documents

Online register of internal documents produced by the European Commission from 1 January 2001 onwards. The register is searchable by document reference, Commission department, title, document type and other criteria; key word searching is offered on a separate ‘Full text search’ tab. There is also browseable collection of minutes and agendas from Commission meetings. If a document is not available in full via the register, it is possible to submit a request for it. The Register is available in all the languages of the EU, but not all the documents are in every language.

Comitology Register

The Comitology Register monitors the procedure by which the European Commission makes implementing legislation with the help of committees of representatives from the member states. It can be used to track the progress of this legislation. The main register covers the period from April 2008 onwards, but there is a link to the ‘Old comitology register’ for information from 2003 to March 2008. There is a search facility for documents and another for committees.

Taxation and Customs Union

The website of the European Commission’s Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General provides information on the Commission’s work on taxation and the customs union, with the ‘What’s new?’ section detailing recent developments. Links are provided to taxation and customs legislation adopted since 2003 as well as proposals tabled by the Commission, all of which are downloadable in PDF format. Catalogues of case law on direct and indirect taxation are also available in PDF, although some of these are only available in French.

European Commission Directorate General for Education Youth, Sport and Culture

Website of the European Commission Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. The main sections of the site are Education and Training (with links to EU programmes, such as Erasmus), Lifelong Learning, Culture, Youth, Multilingualism and Sport. The site provides access to an extensive selection of online publications including information on the various policy areas and programs of the DG. The site is available in all the EU official languages, although some documents are only in a select few.

European Commission

The European Commission is the European Union’s executive institution. Its website provides links to a large amount of information about EU policies and legislation, together with EU news and details of the Commission’s organisational structure and work programme. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.

EUR-Lex: legislative procedures

The successor to PreLex, this part of the EUR-Lex website provides a database tracking the progress of proposals for EU legislation. The information provided includes details of the latest stage of the legislative or decision-making procedure, as well as previous stages, and links to associated documents such as COM documents, common positions, reports of the European Parliament, the Official Journal of the European Union and press releases. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.

Documents and Publications

Portal to EU official documents and publications and related information, including links to the various EU documents registers and details of EU libraries and archives. Covers official documents of all the EU institutions, including the European Commission, Council of the European Union and European parliament. The site is currently available in twenty-two of the twenty-three official EU languages (all except Irish).

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