equal treatment

Workplace Relations Commission

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent statutory body whose role is to provide a workplace relations service and employment rights framework for employers and employees in Ireland. The WRC provides services to employers and employees relating to good working practices assisting and advising organisations on all aspects of industrial relations in the workplace. WRC services cover adjudication, mediation, conciliation and advice. They also carry out investigations to ensure compliance with equality and employment-related legislation.

Queensland Human Rights Commission

Website of the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC), the statutory body responsible for administering the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 in Queensland, Australia. The QHRC promotes equality of opportunity and deals with complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the Anti-Discrimination Act. A selection of information brochures are provided on the site dealing with various aspects of discrimination including sexual harassment, age discrimination, gender identity, disability discrimination and racial and religious vilification.


GLAD is a New England based civil rights organisation working to end discrimination based on sexual orientation. There is background and historical information about GLAD. The 'rights and resources' section has legal guidance for the following states: Massachusetts; Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire; Rhode Island and Vermont. This covers topics such as discrimination, employment, family law (marriage, adoption, child custody), hate crimes, sex laws and students' rights. There is also information on the rights of people with HIV.

Court Challenges Program of Canada

Website of the Court Challenges Program of Canada a non-profit organisation which helps to fund important court cases relating to language and equality rights under the Canadian Constitution. There is background information to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the role of the courts. Sections of the Charter and the Constitution relating to equality and language rights are highlighted on the site.

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster a fair, accessible and effective civil justice system. Its website has information about research programmes, including reports by the Forum's Action Committee. There is an inventory of civil justice reforms in Canada from 1950 onwards (with links to relevant documents), a blog, a bibliography (with links) called the 'Clearinghouse' and a newsletter. The site can be viewed in English or French.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Website of the Australian Human Rights Commission, a government body set up in 1986 to protect human rights and equal opportunities in Australia. The site describes the work of the Commission providing links to relevant legislation, details of its functions and powers and profiles of the Commissioners. Submissions on various issues to State Parliaments, Courts, Inquiries and the United Nations are made available in full text online.

Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia

Official website of the Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia. The site provides guidance and case studies to equal opportunity and human rights laws in Australia and South Australia. There are sections aimed at individuals, employers and schools with background information on discrimination including full text laws for Australia and South Australia.The section for employers includes guidance and checklists to the responsibilities of businesses and service providers for managing equal opportunities and dealing with complaints.

Equality and Human Rights Commission

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is a UK body which replaced the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) and the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). Its website provides advice relating to discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation and gives practical guidance on bringing a discrimination claim. There is a section dealing with rights in settings including employment, shops and services, health and social care, legal services, transport and education.

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