
Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, established in 1987, is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Leeds. Resources that can be accessed from the site include annual reports and summaries of recent research papers. The site also provides a publications list, news and information about conferences and public seminars. In addition there is events information and an extensive list of links to related websites.

Victim Support Europe

Website of Victim Support Europe a network of national victim support organisations in Europe founded in 1990. The site has organisational information including a copy of the constitution and contact details for the member organisations that make up Victim Support Europe.

Council of Europe: action against economic crime

Website of the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe (CoE), which brings together information on the work of relevant CoE committees. Conventions, projects, standards and details of monitoring and other activities of the CoE are grouped under the following topic headings: corruption; money laundering; cybercrime; judicial cooperation; exploitation of human beings and organised crime.


Website of VictimLaw an online information source on victims' rights in the United States provided by the National Center for Victims of Crime. The site provides access to a database of full text federal and state laws, tribal laws, constitutional amendments, court rules and court decisions relating to victimsã rights. The database uses a guided search facility where the user can search by topic (the nine core victims' rights), jurisdiction, keyword or citation.

International Journal of Cyber Criminology

Website of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC), a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal focusing on "cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber investigations". The journal is published twice a year by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in India. The IJCC is made freely available online in full text (PDF) and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

English Crime and Execution Broadsides

This Harvard Law School Library website provides access to the digitised images of around 600 broadsides (a form of street literature) reporting crimes or public executions from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The collection can be searched by keyword or browsed by title, name or subject. There are short and full bibliographic records for each item, including links to the images. Search tips and FAQs are also provided, along with background information about the collection.

CSC Restorative Justice

Section of the Correctional Service of Canada's website providing background information on restorative justice and details of the CSC's restorative justice and dispute resolution services for victims and offenders. Includes research reports and other publications, together with links to restorative justice websites in Canada and elsewhere.

Comparative criminal procedure: a select bibliography

Guide to resources dealing with comparative criminal procedure, by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago D'Angelo Law Library. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guider covers criminal procedure generally, criminal procedure in multiple jurisdictions and specific topics such as arrest, interrogation, plea bargaining, trial by jury, sentencing and appeals.

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