
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Website of the US Bureau of Justice Statistics the government department which collects and analyses information on crime, criminal offenders and the operation of justice. Statistics can be viewed by subject eg. corrections (prisons, capital punishment), courts, crime, costs of crime, law enforcement and victims of crime or by publication. These can be browsed or search and downloaded in full from the site along with data tables.

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

Website of independent educational charity Crime and Justice Studies which is concerned with advancing public understanding of crime, criminal justice and social harm. There is information on the various projects run by the Centre along with news, comment and details of events. The Centre publishes the British Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Matters the organisation’s newsletter. Both publications can be viewed on the site. There are also regular briefings covering topics such as criminal record checks, rough sleeping and undercover policing.

Department of Justice and Equality

Website of the Irish Department of Justice and Equality. The site provides information about relevant legislation and law reform work, including the criminal law codification initiative. There are also outlines of Irish law and policy on a range of topics covered by the Department; the Courts Policy page includes information about legal aid. The Publications section of the site provides annual reports, policy reports, bills, legislation and other materials. Statistics, a collection of official forms and information about consultations are also available.

Criminal Justice Matters

Criminal Justice Matters is a journal which aims to provide "information and informed opinion" on topical issues of interest relating to criminal justice. The journal is produced quarterly by ISTD: The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, and published by Routledge. The Centre is a registered charity, which claims to be a non-partisan, non-campaigning body. This section is part of the Centre's site which is hosted on the King's College London server. Each issue explores a single theme in the field of criminology.

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Website of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute(UNICRI) established by the UN in1968 and based in Italy. The purpose of UNICRI is to strengthen UN initiatives on preventing criminality and juvenile delinquency. The site presents information on the Institute, its objectives and governing body and on its activities in the following areas: supporting judicial reform and promoting the rule of law: security and counter terrorism and human trafficking.

British Society of Criminology

The British Society of Criminology aims to "further the interests and knowledge, both academic and professional, of persons engaged in any aspect of teaching and research, or in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge, about crime and criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom". The Society publishes a newsletter four times a year and a conference is held every two years. Its website gives details of branch meetings.

Western Criminology Review

Western Criminology Review is the official journal of the Western Society of Criminology at Sonoma State University. The goal of WCR is to 'provide an attractive and meaningful outlet for academic areas in criminology and criminal justice'. This site provides peer reviewed papers published in full online in the fields of criminology and social justice. Readers are able to respond to articles and reader comments are subject to peer review. Both the current and past issues are available online.

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