company law

Takeovers Panel

Official website of the New Zealand Takeovers Panel, the body responsible for enforcing the Takeovers Code and keeping the law on takeovers under review. The Panel was established by the Takeovers Act 1993. The website provides the text of the Takeovers Code along with related legislation and historical amendments. Decisions and exemption notices issued by the Panel since 2001 are also available. Other materials provided include annual reports, a monthly newsletter and a collection of articles and speeches relating to the Takeovers Act and Code.

ECGI's Working Papers in Law

Collection of working papers dealing with the legal aspects of corporate governance, business and finance made freely available by the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), a not for profit organisation conducting research into corporate governance issues. The working papers are written by ECGI Fellows and Research Associates and recent topics have included securities laws, international corporate regimes and civil liability and mandatory disclosure.

Zammit & Associates - Advocates

Website of Zammit & Associates' Advocates a Malta based law firm specialising in business law. The site provides staff profiles and details of practice areas and services offered by the company. Background information to the law in Malta is offered covering a number of related topics including employment law, property law, the establishment of investment funds, prevention of money laundering and remote gaming. There is also a selection of legal news stories.

Invest Bulgaria Agency: legal framework

Information on business and investment law in Bulgaria provided by the Invest Bulgaria Agency (IBA). Covers foreign trade and customs, taxation, investment incentives, Bulgarian residency, employment law and property. There is also information on setting up a business and guidance on the law relating to specific sectors including robotics, health and life sciences, electronics, and IT. Includes the text of key legislation, such as the Investment Promotion Act and the Corporate Income Taxation Act (under 'Legal Guide'). The site is available in English and Bulgarian.

Chambre des Notaires de Paris

The Chambre des Notaires de Paris is the professional body for notaries in Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. Notaries in France deal with matters of marriage and cohabitation, succession, real estate, taxation, and business law. The website provides information for the public about the law, notarial services and the notarial profession. There is a directory of notaries ("annuaire") searchable by name, address or district, together with outlines of French law relating to wills and succession, marriage and cohabitation, children, real property, taxation and businesses.

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