commercial law

Bundesministerium der Justiz

Site of the German Federal Ministry of Justice, which is located in Berlin. Provides information about the role and work of the organisation. Topics covered include citizen’s rights, administration of justice, constitutional/administrative law, human rights, commercial/business law, digital technology and penal law. Users have the option to search the site by keyword, using wildcards/truncation, and can also restrict the search by date, relevance and the type of document required. The main language is German but an English language section is also available.


Hardwicke is a London-based barristers’ chambers covering many areas of civil, family and public law. Its website has a Resources section which provides case summaries, articles, legal news and two calculation tools for lawyers: a Rent Arrears & Mesne Profits Calculator and a Simple Interest Calculator. There are also sections of the site covering Hardwicke’s work in the fields of commercial law, insurance law, public law and property and private client law.

Constitution Finder

A global directory of constitutions on the web, provided by the School of Law at the University of Richmond in the United States. Consists of an alphabetical list of countries, with links to their constitutions; both current and historical constitutions are included. Most are available in English translation, but a few are only in other languages.

Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Carey Olsen

Carey Olsen is a Channel Islands law firm which covers a range of practice areas, including company and commercial, banking and financial, restructuring and insolvency, trusts, property, employment, competition, litigation and dispute resolution. The Publications section of its website provides a collection of articles produced by the firm on the law of Jersey and Guernsey, together with summaries of recent Jersey and Guernsey judgments. It is possible to subscribe for email delivery of publications on selected topics.

Private International Law

Free online resources for private international law (PIL), collated by the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law at the US Department of State. The database is split into 4 subject sections: Trade and Business Transactions Law; Family Law; International Judicial Assistance; and the law governing Wills, Trusts and Estates. Each of these sections includes a selection of primary documents under the following headings: PIL Conventions to Which the U.S. Is a Party; PIL Conventions -- U.S.

Trade and Related Agreements Database

Database containing the texts of trade and related agreements, maintained by the US Department of Commerce's Trade Compliance Center (TCC). The database aims to give free public access to agreements in force between the US and its trading partners dealing with manufactured products and services. Agreements can be searched or browsed and viewed by type- intellectual property rights agreements, WTO agreements, free trade agreements and bilateral investment agreements. There is also guidance to the different types of agreement.

German Business Law

This site is produced by Joachim Rudo, a Berlin based attorney who has compiled a selection of English language resource guides relating to different areas of German law. This page focuses on German business law and includes commentary on German corporate law, antitrust law and competition law, distribution systems in Germany, intellectual property rights, insolvency law, employment law and social security in Germany. There are links to German legislation, courts and governmental websites.

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