civil and political rights

Michigan Journal of Law Reform

Founded in the late 1960s, the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform is published by the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, USA. The journal is dedicated to law reform orientated articles and student notes. It seeks to improve the law and its administration by providing a forum for discussion that identifies contemporary issues for reform efforts, proposes concrete means to accomplish change, and evaluates the impact of law reform in the US. As contributions to this discussion, the Journal welcomes multidisciplinary and empirical work.

Ko'aga Rone'eta: a journal of human rights

Ko'aga Rone'eta is an online journal of human rights and humanitarian affairs, produced as a joint publication of Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights (Internet based human rights organisations). Ko'aga Rone'eta offers articles on human rights and humanitarian issues written by professionals and students of the field. Articles are organized by 9 main topics or series. Some documents are in English and others in Spanish. The journal aims to encourage thinking about human rights issues and promote human rights recognition worldwide.

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is a body in the Inter-American system and an organ of the Organisation of American States (OAS) which promotes and protects human rights in the Americas. Its website provides information on the purpose, operation and activities of the IACHR. This includes access to the full-text of a number of documents produced by the body, including annual reports, reports on the human rights situation in specific, Latin South American or Central American nations and investigations into human rights violations within the region.

Den norske Helsingforskomite

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and works to promote democracy and human rights within Europe. Its primary activites include the monitoring of parliamentary elections within the OSCE (Office for Security of Central Europe). The website includes the full-text of the Helsinki Committee's reports on parliamentary elections since 1995. These include reports from Albania, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and nations of the former Soviet Union. The text is available in Norwegian or English.

Statewatch database

Statewatch is a non-profit voluntary organisation which monitors the state and civil liberties in the UK and the rest of Europe. The Statewatch Database contains more than 25,000 records, including news, features, pamphlets, reports, legislation, EU resolutions and agreements, details of UK parliamentary debates and those of the European Parliament and reports on European Court of Human Rights cases. Material less than 6 months old can be accessed free of charge; older materials require a subscription.

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