civil and political rights

NEAR - Network for Education and Academic Rights

The website of the Network for Education and Academic Rights (NEAR) a non-governmental organisation concerned with the promotion of academic freedom and/or human rights in education. NEAR was established in June 2001 and is supported by UNESCO. The site includes information about the organisation, an alerting and archiving service, a notice board, and links to other related websites.

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

This independent, non-partisan Association was seeks to strengthen Israel's commitment to civil liberties and human rights. Its website provides summaries of cases ACRI has been involved with relating to equality, religious pluralism and freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, freedom of information, human dignity and due process of law. It also has information about the Association's projects, education programmes and public outreach services. There are also articles, press releases and reports to download. The site has Hebrew, Arabic and English interfaces.

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is an independent body established by the Northern Ireland Act 1998, as part of the "Good Friday Agreement". The Commission aims to defend and promote the human rights of everyone in Northern Ireland through law, policy and practice measured against international standards. The Commission's website explains its work, describes its statutory powers, lists its membership and publishes press releases and other documents.

Human Rights Law Centre

Website of the Human Rights Law Centre at the School of Law, University of Nottingham. "The aim of the Centre is to facilitate teaching and research on human rights issues". The site includes an overview of the Centre and its members, details of research and publications emanating from the Centre and a list of conferences, workshops and courses organised by the Centre.

Human Rights in the EU: the Charter of Fundamental Rights (2000)

'Human Rights in the EU: the Charter of Fundamental Rights', is House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/32 (March 2000). It examines the development of a human rights doctrine in the European Union and the contents of the draft charter on fundamental rights. Also considered is the relationship between this and the European Convention on Human Rights and the response from the UK government. 

Famous Trials

Website compiled by Doug Linder, Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, for educational and non-commercial purposes. Provides materials relating to famous trials, mostly American, ranging in date from the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, to the Clinton Impeachment Trial of 1999. World trials are also featured e.g. the trials of Socrates and Galileo and the Nuremburg Trials.

Michigan Journal of Race and Law

website for the Michigan Journal of Race and Law (ISSN:1095-2721) published bi-annually since 1996, and edited by students at the University of Michigan Law School. The journal serves as a forum for issues relating to race and law, particularly those issues marginalised in mainstream legal writing, and seeks the views of scholars, students, practitioners and social scientists. The site includes tables of contents and abstracts of articles from volume 1, no.1 (Winter 1996) onwards, and has an Issue No. browser to aid selection.

Harvard Blackletter Law Journal

The Harvard Blackletter Law Journal (ISSN:0897-2761), is published annually by students at Harvard Law School, with the assistance of a faculty advisory board. The journal aims to disseminate legal literature, thought and ideas which have direct impact on theAfrican American and other minority communities, by questioning traditional constitutionalism and promoting civil rights, especially issues of law and race, gender, class and sexuality.

Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review

Website for the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review (ISSN: 0017-8039), founded in 1966 and edited by students at the Harvard Law School. This biannual journal aims to bring a progressive approach to the current issues affecting civil rights and civil liberties. Articles are contributed by students, professors and practitioners and the website provides tables of contents from Volume 1 (1966) onwards and full text articles from 2002 onwards.

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