
Association of Child Abuse Lawyers

Website for the UK's Association of Child Abuse Lawyers, an organisation aiming to offer practical support for lawyers and other professionals working for adults and children who have been abused. The site has advice aimed at survivors and contact details of solicitors specialising in child abuse work. There is a page of news stories, details of training courses and a page of related web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Children and Armed Conflict Unit

The Children and Armed Conflict Unit is a joint project of the Children's Legal Centre and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. Its aim is to provide information on the impact of war on children and to analyse existing human rights law in order to provide a better protection of childrens' rights. Its website provides information on the scope of the project, recent news stories relating to on-going conflicts worldwide, and details of the Unit's recent field visits to specific war zones.

Save the Children

Save the Children champions children's rights in more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom. In the short term it provides emergency relief; in the long term its aim is to make children and families self-sufficient by promoting development. The site includes news and press releases, list of publications, a site for young people, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite

The Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite is hosted by the National Center for Adoption Law and Policy at Capital University Law School in the United States. The aim of the Center is to improve child protection laws in the U.S. through research, advocacy and education. The site is a free online resource providing access to state and federal child welfare and adoption laws and cases. Information can be searched or browsed by state and document type including cases, statutes, articles and regulations. There is a page of links to related bodies and individual state court Websites.

Legal Assistance Centre

Website of the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) which is based in Namibia and describes itself as a "public interest law centre that is committed to creating a human rights culture and promoting access to justice in Namibia". Work at the Centre includes litigation and advice, training, research and advocacy. There is information on LAC's project work which includes the AIDS Law Unit, Medical Negligence, Gender Research and Advocacy, the Human Rights and Constitutional Unit, the Child Justice Project and the Land, Environment and Development Project.

Representing Children Worldwide

Representing Children Worldwide (RCW) was a research project of the Yale Law School conducted during 2005 by Clinical Professor Jean Koh Peters. The research is described as being a "global snapshot of legal provisions to guarantee children's right to express views freely in child protective proceedings". The project was concerned with child protection proceedings in the United States and other countries that are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC). The site provides a summary of the research.

First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards) which was established under the Protection of Children Act 1999. This tribunal considers appeals relating to decisions regarding the suitability of individuals to work with children, the registration of care homes, children's homes and adoption and fostering agencies and the registration of childminders and day care providers. The site provides links to the regulations under which the Tribunal operates and to legislation under which appeals may be brought.

Le Défenseur des droits

Website of the office of the Défenseur des droits, the Children's Ombudsman for France. The office was created by the French Parliament in March 2000, and its mission is to defend and promote children's rights in France. The site explains the role of the Défenseur. Reports and opinions of the Défenseur are available, together with summaries of relevant French laws and information about the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (with the text of the Convention, in French).

Coram Children's Legal Centre

The Coram Children's Legal Centre is a charitable organisation established in 1981 and based at the University of Essex. The Centre deals with law and policy issues affecting children and young people. The site provides information about the work of the Centre which includes legal advice, research and policy and campaign work. Annual indexes from the Centre's monthly journal, Childright appear on the site. There is a selection of FAQs on common legal issues, and links to other organisations providing services for young people.

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