
Child Support Agency

The Child Support Agency (CSA) in the UK is part of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission. It has responsibility for ensuring that parents who live apart from their children contribute financially to their upkeep by paying child maintenance. Its website provides information on its function (including changes to its role introduced with the creation of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission in 2008). It also includes press releases, annual reports and regulations relating to child maintenance payments.

Care Inspectorate Wales

Care Inspectorate Wales is the independent regulator of social care and childcare in Wales. Work involves registering and inspecting care services, responding to concerns raised about social care and ensuring services meet legislative and regulatory requirements. Inspection, annual and local authority reports are available on the site. Links are given to relevant legislation, regulations and guidance. There is also a searchable care services directory and a register of service providers.


The website of UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) contains information about the organisation and its activities and about the United Nations in general. Focus areas include child survival and development, education, HIV/aids and children, child protection and child health including immunisation. Information can be viewed by country including details of projects and appeals, statistics and news from the region. Publications on the site include annual reports, The State of the World’s Children (published annually) and the full-text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Childwatch International Research Network

Childwatch International Research Network is a global network of organisations doing interdisciplinary research in the area of children’s rights. The Childwatch Secretariat is based at the University of Oslo in Norway. The website carries details of Childwatch’s projects and research work. Topics covered include child labour, children and children’s rights and child poverty. A selection of reports can be downloaded from the site.

Is it legal? : a parent's guide to the law

Produced by the Family and Parenting Institute, this is the third edition of a guide to the laws that affect the day-to-day lives of parents and carers. The guide covers the law in England on subjects such as education, babysitting and child minding, marriage and cohabitation, divorce, children and crime, the Internet and many other areas from when children are babies to when they reach young adulthood.

Inquiry Into the Management of Care of Children Receiving Complex Heart Surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Final Report

This is a final report issued by a panel chaired by Professor Ian Kennedy in May 2000 by Bristol Royal Infirmary. It follows the public outcry after the discovery that over a long period of time tissue from children who had died following paediatric cardiac surgery at Bristol had been stored without their parents' knowledge or consent. The inquiry addresses this issue, considers the state of the law, and makes recommendations. The report was issued as Command Paper: CM 5207. The webpages are archived at the National Archives

Association of Lawyers for Children

Web pages for an Association concerned with justice for children and young people within the legal system in England and Wales. The organisation draws its membership from a broad range of professionals involved in work relating to children, including solicitors, barristers, legal staff, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians and social workers. The website explains the purpose and describes the work of the ALC. Information is given on the Association's committee, membership procedures and events.

Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Services for England and Wales

Official website for the Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Services for England and Wales. CAFCASS acts as a central co-ordinating body for groups of practitioners providing advice to courts on issues of child and family welfare. CAFCASS was established by the UK Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act 2000 as a non-departmental public body answering to the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Online version of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, on the website of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This web page also contains links to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and information on the status of ratifications, declarations and reservations. The Convention can be viewed in English, French, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

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