
Canadian Council on International Law

The Canadian Council on International Law was established in 1972 to promote study and analysis in the field of international law by academic, government and practising lawyers and their students. The site describes the organisation, its annual conference, membership and activities. Commentaries on international legal issues are available, along with brief details of recent events and legal developments from around the world. Additional content on the site is restricted to members only. The interface is available in English and French language but most of the content is in English only.

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate

Web page describing the law reform initiatives of Canada's Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate (CILPD), which is responsible for reviewing Canada's business and insolvency laws, regulations and policies. The CILPD forms part of the Marketplace Framework Policy Branch of Industry Canada. The site publishes a number of consultation documents, questionnaires and background research documents on subjects such as bankruptcy and insolvency law, corporate not-for-profit law and Canada's law on cooperatives. A list of the legislation currently under review is published.

Quebec Laws and Regulations

Les Publications du Québec, the Québec government printer, provides Québec legislation for free on its website. Both statutes and regulations are available as amended ("revised"); the statutes are in English and French while the regulations are in French only. There is a search facility covering the revised legislation, as well as an alphabetical index by title of statute (with links to corresponding regulations). Copies of the Gazette officielle du Québec are also available back to 1996. The site can be viewed in French or English.


Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories: Bills/Legislation

The website of the Legislative Assemby of the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, provides the full text of NWT bills from 2003 onwards, together with bill summaries and information about the progress of current bills. The site also includes acts governing the Assembly and a link to a database of consolidated NWT statutes, regulations and court rules on the website of the NWT Department of Justice.

Statutes and Regulations of Newfoundland and Labrador

A collection of Statutes and Regulations provided and maintained by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, and hosted on the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly website. The site contains a searchable web database of up-to-date consolidated Statutes and Regulations in HTML format. Legislation can be searched by keyword or browsed alphabetically or by department. Annual Statutes are available online for each year back to 1990. A table of public statutes can be browsed alphabetically showingthe parts of statutes that have been amended or repealed.

Statutes of Prince Edward Island

Collection of statutes provided by the Legislative Counsel Office on the official website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada. This site contains the full-text of the statutes of Prince Edward Island, presented in an alphabetical list by title, by Department and including a keyword search engine. Texts offered on the site are unofficial consolidations of statutes prepared by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, and are in PDF.

Canada Industrial Relations Board

Website for the Canada Industrial Relations Board, formed in 1999, and replacing the former Canada Labour Relations Board. The CIRB is an independent quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part I (Industrial Relations) and certain provisions of Part II (Occupational Safety and Health) of the Canada Labour Code. The site is available in English and French, and includes a database of summaries of the Board's decisions passed to date in HTML format.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Website presenting the text of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, included on the official site of the Department of Justice Canada. The Charter is an important statement of human rights policy and is enacted as Schedule B to the Constitution Act 1982 (1982, c.79). In the UK, the Charter is Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (1982, c.11). The Charter is presented on the site in English and French language versions in HTML format.

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario is the official parliament of the Ontario region of Canada. It is based in Toronto. Its website provides information on its structure, current membership and activities. This includes lists of MPs, background information on the operation of the legislative process and details of all bills currently passing through the parliament. Also accessible is the full-text of all Hansard parliamentary debates and committee proceedings from 1984 to date. These cover a full range of social policy, public administration and legal reform topics.

Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island

Official website for the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island included on the website of the Government of Prince Edward Island in Canada. The Supreme Court consists of two divisions, the Appeal Division and the Trial Division. The site contains a database containing the written reasons for the justices' decisions or judgments, or the case headnotes only, as from 1997 onwards. The database can be searched by date, subject, and keyword.

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