
World Law: North America

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to online resources relating to North America. Includes links to organisations dealing with the North American region and to inter-American treaties. Separate sections provide links to resources focused on Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Mexico and the United States. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) is based at McGill University Faculty of Law, Montreal. CISDL carries out research into the international law of sustainable development as it relates to trade, investment and competition; natural resources; biodiversity; climate change; human rights and poverty; peace, justice and governance; and health. Its website explains its remit and gives details of its activities.

Canada Patents, 1869-1919

Database of patents issued to Canadian residents and citizens between 1869 and 1919, provided by Library and Archives Canada. Over 190,000 digitised patents are available, searchable by patent number, patent holder, title, year and city, province or state. Results are displayed in summary format with links to the complete scanned image. The resource is available in either English or French.

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